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Vase by Langlade

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European Art Pottery1002 of 2162European hand made plateBavariaWaldershof Germany Vase. Cobalt Blue Floral & 22K Gilt Gold
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (48 items)

    My first piece by French ceramist Jean Langlade. Height is five inches. To learn about Langlade see the description provided by cogito with his Langlade beauty:

    If any of you aficionados could help me date this piece that would be nice.

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    1. cogito cogito, 9 years ago
      Wonderful piece! I had it on my queue myself! What are the dimensions? He did a wonderful job with the glaze on this double gourd form.
    2. cogito cogito, 9 years ago
      BTW - come on over and join us in the Art Nouveau Ceramiques Group on FB.
    3. cogito cogito, 9 years ago
      Never mind about the dimensions...didn't read thoroughly enough. Sorry.
    4. cogito cogito, 9 years ago
      Here's another Langlade if you haven't seen it yet:
    5. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 9 years ago
      You've got a lot of very nice pottery. Thanks for sharing, I was unaware of these pieces and will be checking into them soon!
    6. SEAN68 SEAN68, 9 years ago
      stunning!! Merry Christmas!!

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