antiquesareamazing » collections



Lansing, Michigan, United States

I'm 18 years old, passionate about history, antiques and family. I know I'll be collecting forever!!! My profile picture is an enhanced photo of my great great grI'm 18 years old, passionate about history, antiques and family. I know I'll be collecting forever!!! My profile picture is an enhanced photo of my great great grandfather's freemason cuff links. I have an extensive vintage sheet music collection, consisting of about 750 pieces & growing. I collect Avon decanters, my collection consists of about 90 decanters & also growing - not included in that count is my complete Avon chess set. Besides my larger collections, I also gravitate toward vintage liquor decanters, antique bottles, beer steins, cigar boxes, tins, records, unique books (old & not), anything made of paper (newspapers, advertising, etc). If I stumble upon other things that catch my eye, I try to pick them up for a reasonable price. I really love Masonic/ Eastern Star memorabilia. I'm hooked on presidential "things," I have a large photo of Harry S. Truman on my wall. Currently, I'm obsessed with local stuff! I love anything from Michigan, Lansing in particular, it's just incredible. I love preserving history and do what I can!!! I usually don't pay much more than $5.00 for any one piece of my collection - but I DO only buy quality. I do have an old violin in my collection that I know nothing about (but cost me $50.00). I collect what the American Pickers call "Smalls." I obtain pieces of my collection from antique malls and shops, flea markets, garage sales, estate sales & I'm lucky enough to have been given a lot of things that people know I like. When buying, I'm not one of those hard negotiators - I generally pay what people want out of their products. However it's the other side of the coin when selling. I typically don't sell pieces of my collection, but when I do the buyer has a rough time - I don't budge on my prices! I am a hoarder of family heirlooms. Whenever the opportunity arises to have an heirlooms, I jump on it. I have a wide variety of things that belonged to my ancestors: books, jewelry, and most importantly PHOTOS. I love family photos, and I have most of my family photo collection digitized. I am hardcore into researching my family genealogy; you can probably gather that from my posts here on CW. I hope everyone is as intrigued by my collection as I am with theirs. ALSO-- It's called collecting not hoarding! I've been called both. Thanks!! (Read more)


  1. I have a complete set, full, in boxes now, too. I'm not sure where you could have them appraised. I'm not sure if the bottles are worth much, but if you ever come across the original game board that g...
  2. Thanks, Scott! Super helpful.
  3. I was advised my an auctioneer on how to take the tintype out of its case to look for a name. He told me that there was more than likely something behind the photo. Well... nothing. After meticulously...
  4. Thanks, Scott! I appreciate the quick and knowledgeable response!!
  5. Is this a photograph of a photograph of her? I read online that when there is the designs around the person it is often done after the person has died as a memorial.
  6. Thanks, Kevin! You have been a terrific presence here on CW. I absolutely will continue collecting!!
  7. I LOVE anything antique from Lansing, it's beautiful!!
  8. Hello! I believe I spoke to your sister via email. Your grandfather and my great grandfather were cousins.
  9. Masons aren't affiliated with the military at all.
  10. I do a ton of work, I constantly research my belongings. Most of the time I can find an answer for myself. Why do you create posts on here asking for help? Can't you research on your own - that's your...
  11. Alright, "Stillwater." None of those look like mine. Take a look at the one that Scott shared, it's virtually identical! Scott's help is greatly appreciated! I still have family items yet to post, a...
  12. Thanks, Scott! I would agree, looking at the CLOSED auctions is accurate. Thank you for your kind and concise response!
  13. Thanks so much, jameyrd!! That is incredibly helpful, you answered all my questions!!
  14. No, not kidding. Most of the time people ask a price for something, a non-realistic price! I would consider an auction house or serious local antique dealer/collector a VALID source. I am VERY famili...
  15. Stillwater: I received your comment, which is not showing up here. This is what you said... "Thats an Eastern Star ring, its mainly a female counterpart to the Masons, like for the wives. It is def...
  16. I am very familiar with freemasonry, masons and eastern stars. I have been looking diligently to find one that is similar, I have yet to find one. I would not consider ebay a valid source to find t...
  17. Thanks, Stillwater. I knew freemasonry was not, in any way, affiliated with the military. I haven't found any rings that compare to this one. But, I'll absolutely keep searching!
  18. He wasn't in the military, his father and sons were, but not him. Thanks for the suggestion, though, salemthegoddess!!
  19. That is fantastic, they're a really nice piece of history!! I hope you treasure your family history and heirlooms as I do mine!
  20. May I ask from your experience, what these are worth/sell for? I'm just curious of the monetary value.
  21. After some external research, I found something... It looks to be an antique car horn, pre-1910. Where the "mouthpiece" looking part is, there is a cap (I have the cap), over the cap goes a bag-like ...
  22. It resembles a Herald Trumpet, except it would have a mouthpiece made for a brass instrument. This has a mouthpiece that holds a reed, like a woodwind instrument. AND... like you said, the mounting ...
  23. That would make a lot of sense. Thanks!!
  24. Indeed, that is my uncle! I have some of the papers, photos and this bracelet from his time in the Navy.
  25. I have been searching and searching. There is no publishing date, copyright date, etc. It lists the publisher as Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids, MI, but no date. I don't understand why there wouldn'...
  26. Thanks, kindy! It really is a fantastic song!! :)
  27. Thanks, walksoftly, for the comment! You're absolutely right, they do have immense historical value, linking us to our past!!
  28. I absolutely love the song, too! Thanks, Manikin, for the comment!!
  29. That was my same thought. Thanks, Scott!
  30. Thanks again, bratjdd!!
  31. I must say that I absolutely LOVE the iconic "I Like Ike" pins!!
  32. Thanks, and Happy New Year to you, too, bratjdd!!!
  33. Thanks, bratjdd, for the comment!
  34. Thanks, BELLIN68! It is very beautiful.
  35. Absolutely Tremendous! I, too, am from Lansing and love preserving its history. This is a magnificent piece of history, I'm very glad you're preserving it. Wow... Incredible!!! Love It.
  36. Love the painting! I've been to Arch Rock many times, it doesn't look identical, but I'm convinced that that's it. The "arch" is a little thin and the greenery isn't exactly right, but that's an old p...
  37. Thanks for the comment, AR8Jason! I'm assuming the note about being forfeited to the state is no longer valid, otherwise I better hand it over. :-) I was vaguely familiar with the grange, there are a...
  38. Thanks, Rob!
  39. Here are some photos of the inside.
  40. Absolutley!
  41. The place where I got it appraised is an antique mall, that brings in a nationally known auctioneer/appraiser who, twice a year, to do free appraisals. Sorry about the confusion, it is in fact a Half ...
  42. Thanks, Scott! I know you've told me in the past that it's worth much more than that. He seemed to really like it, maybe he was distracted by the fact that he liked it so well.
  43. This was just appraised for $150-$200. The appraiser really like this! He said that it's large and a woman, two desirable aspects.
  44. Just Appraised at $100. It wouldn't be worth as much if it were separated from my family!
  45. Just Appraised For $200-$250. Still PRICELESS!
  46. Hello ticktocktime100! Thanks For The Info. There are no labels, I've looked all over it - inside and out. There's nothing on the face either, as I expected. It's just a mystery! It is nowhere near...
  47. You certainly should be proud of the results! I know I've contemplated something like this for my Grandfather's Army patches/photos. Great Display!!
  48. Thanks for the comment, junkmanjoe! They're really neat, I have about 90 figural Avon Decanters plus the complete chess set. It's one of my larger collections! Do you have a set? Full? Boxes? Agai...
  49. Thanks, BELLIN68!
  50. Thanks, inky!! It's a great sign.
  51. See more


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