Posted 14 years ago
(136 items)
Curt Poulton, of the 1930's Bluegrass Group "The Vagabonds". Curt Poulton is my 1st cousin 3x removed. On the left is a signed photo given to "The Poulton Family", on the right is a photo given to my great, great grandparents "Chet and Goldie" and to my great grandfather and his brother "Dick and Bill". In the center is two sheet music books, that are part of my collection, that are framed. The lower left in the frame is an old photo of "The Vagabonds" and in the upper right is a photo of Curt in his older years. I have more, just not posted.
Hi There, thanks for posting that, do you have birth and Death dates for Curt. I am doing some research on early Old-Time music groups. Thanks
Yes, I do (By the way: he is my 1st cousin 3x removed, not 7x removed)! First, his full given name is Curtis Audra Poulton (He was christened as Audra Forest Poulton). He was born on February 25, 1907 in Dulaney, Wetzel, West Virginia. He died on November 9, 1957 in St. Louis, Missouri. He married Vervia Emily Marie "Betty" (Wagner) Poulton on June 28, 1930, they lived in St. Louis, Missouri. They had two children, Curt Arthur and Sandra Dian. If you have any other questions about him or the family just let me know. The other two vagabonds are Herald Goodman (1900-1974) and Dean Upson (1900-1975).
I just stumbled across this. My name is Curt Audra Poulton. Curt Arthur Poulton was my father. I was named after Curt Audra by my mother, two years after my grandfather passed away. As an interesting side note, I still receive a twice a year royalty check for"When it's Lamp Lightin Time in the Valley."
Hello! I believe I spoke to your sister via email. Your grandfather and my great grandfather were cousins.
Curt Poulton and the Vagabonds, were regular performers on our stage when we hosted the Grand Ole Opry c. 1935. If anyone here who is an ancestor of Curt wants to participate in our oral history project, please email me: We would love for your voices to be part of it.