lookin4mydiamondntherough » collections




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  1. Hey Mickey Just droppen by to say Hello :) I responded to your message but im not sure if you saw that! I have a new e-mail It is madmel209@yahoo.com I would love to hear from you! hope all is well :)
  2. I have found washing them with warm soapy water and a toothbrush to clean them the best. I also use mineral oil which makes them shine really nicely.
  3. Thanks for the love
  4. Thanks for the Love
  5. Thank you very much:)
  6. Thanks for the Love :)
  7. Thank you for the love :)
  8. Hey Mickey :) Im pretty good! How have you been? So glad to hear from you:) My email has since changed My new email is madmel209@yahoo.com it would be great to see you :)
  9. nannah, That would be great :) my email is madmel209@yahoo.com Thank you so much.
  10. @nannah I am very interested in my family history I appreciate your help .
  11. @nannah Im almost positive that My great Grandma Stella was born Dec 21 1907 in Stockton CA according to a baptismal certificate that I have. She told me her and her younger brother Victor were the on...
  12. Thank You
  13. thank you
  14. Thank You
  15. Thanks for all the Love :)
  16. The Fire burned the home of my Great grandma Stella and her Husband Claude Deforest Willams here in Stockton Ca. My great grandma was able to get her six children out with no harm but unfourtunately M...
  17. I do not know if they ever resided in delaware but I dont believe so. My great grandma Stella told me her parents imigrated from Italy. I know they settled here in Stockton Ca. I believe in the early...
  18. Thank You!
  19. Thank You! I am not yet a member of any button societies. The lemons are one of my favorites also!
  20. Hey Mickey Good to Hear from you! I'm doing good! How areYou? Yes I'm still here.
  21. Thanks for the Likes & the Love ;)
  22. ttomtucker Thank You very much for the information.
  23. Hi Susan, Thank you for the information.
  24. Thanks for the Love ; )
  25. Thanks I really like it too ; )
  26. Lee Thank You. I believe the Widdicomb Co. closed in 2002 after 105 years.
  27. Hello wolcott1 Thanks for the information.
  28. Thanks for the Likes ; )
  29. Thanks for the Love ; )
  30. Thanks for the Love ; )
  31. Thanks for the Love ; )
  32. Thanks for the Love ; )
  33. Thanks for the Love ; )
  34. Thanks for the Like ; )
  35. Thanks for the Likes & Loves ; )
  36. Thanks for the like ; )
  37. Thanks for the Likes ; )
  38. Thanks for the Likes & Loves ; )
  39. @ bossy I don't see too many around I keep my eye out for them . Unfortunatly years ago our home was burglarized and they took a box full of them. I don't know how many my Mother had altogether but I ...
  40. Thanks for the Love ; )
  41. Thanks for the Like ; )
  42. Thanks for the Likes ; )
  43. Thanks for the Love ; )
  44. Thank You for the information.
  45. Thank You! If they could only talk ; )
  46. Oh haha ; )
  47. Shawn186 Huh?
  48. The Key was a sovenier from the 1939-1940 San Francisco World's Fair.
  49. Thank's for the Like.
  50. Thank's for the Likes.
  51. See more


posted 4 years ago
posted 8 years ago
posted 9 years ago
posted 14 years ago
posted 55 years ago