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Contemporary Czech Art Glass Vase/ in the style of Loetz et al...

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bohemianglas…'s loves1012 of 1249Poschinger by Karl Schmoll van Eisenwerth/ 1902/ number 603Loetz Maxima Vase
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (207 items)

    My daughter collects art glass as well...go figure :-)
    She has a few pieces by artists like Lotton and Alcaraz.

    She asked me about this piece she found on ebay. I was very impressed with the level of artistry and technical merit shown in the photos. When it arrived I was a bit shocked. The Czech Artisian is unknown...she's working on the identity...but he/she appears destined for greatness. Its 5" tall by 5 1/2" wide with a fine polished pontil.

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    1. twentiethc, 11 years ago
      Quality looks great. If possible, can you please add a picture of the polished pontil? I would like to compare it to others I have come across recently. I'd like to see if we're maybe chasing the same artist's ID.
    2. famatta127 famatta127, 11 years ago
      pontil shot not available sorry...the vase is now miles away..can be seen in listing here;jsessionid=44C1C62060BABE72087B2620876529AC?
    3. colori colori, 11 years ago
      Loetz style glass vases from these Seller are generally created by Igor Muller,
      the quality and style of this artist is perfect.
    4. famatta127 famatta127, 11 years ago
      Thank you colori...that was my first thought as well. Hopefully the seller will respond and we will know for sure.
    5. LoetzBuddies LoetzBuddies, 11 years ago
      And because it's new she saved THOUSANDS of $$$.

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