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Cartoon Murals

All items172079 of 245631Lost In Luella not knowing more about my antique store buy.Another LiL Perc
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (600 items)

    Aimathena originals LoL about 7-8 years ago I painted these murals for my son, as we are moving on and about to paint over them, I decided to go ahead and share my artwork.
    I hope its enjoyed and doesn't get deleted. But even if it does, at least I was able to share it with my most favorites for a little bit.


    1. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Nicely done Aim!
    2. toolate2 toolate2, 11 years ago
      Nice that they'll live on here at CW!!
    3. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Aim the work is precious any little kid would love these on wall . Nice job too !
    4. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Take the wall with you, the new owners won't miss it! :-))
    5. Aimathena Aimathena, 11 years ago
      Thanks everyone =D truly means a lot.
      David xoxox
      Toolate xoxox
      Mani (bear hug) they're really big, I made them about his size. LoL
      David... I once rented a home where the owners son painted batman on the wall in a basement bedroom, even though the son was grown and living in his own home, the owners would not allow it to be painted over. I'm a duplicator when it comes to cartoons, so I can just paint them again. I draw and paint many other things, just not an expert at any =^P

      Thank you for the Loves... They really do mean a lot to me.

    6. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      After 7-8 years your son probably wants something different, they grow up fast.
    7. Aimathena Aimathena, 11 years ago
      No, he actually refuses to let me paint over them. Flatteringly frustrating. LoL
    8. Aimathena Aimathena, 11 years ago
      Thank you for the Loves...
    9. Aimathena Aimathena, 11 years ago
      Thank you for the love Gina
    10. Aimathena Aimathena, 11 years ago
      Thank you for the Love Leah

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