Posted 11 years ago
(384 items)
Found this at the flea market, I bought it because I was GI JOE crazy as a kid. This was just to cool to pass up, and has everything with it extra clothes, guns, knives, grenades, boots, helmet, and all the litterateur that came with it.
Thank you for the love kerry10456.
Thank you for the love Manikin.
Thank you for the love officialfuel.
Thank you for the love DrFluffy.
Thank you for the love PhilDavidAlexanderMorris.
Thank you for the love bratjdd.
Nice set. Good that he has the MP arm band. I think the bag with the strap is the duffle bag that went with the MP set.
Thank you for the love and nice comment fortapache.
Thanks for the love vanskyock24.
Thanks for the love pops52.
Thanks for the nice comment PhilDavidAlexanderMorris. I'm glad I was able to take you down memory lane.
Thanks for the love Antigue Toys.
Thanks for the love nutsabotas6.
Thanks for the love leighannrn.
PhilDavidAlexanderMorris I found this at the flea market for 100 bucks a steal for what I see on EBay. The good thing is it's complete with an MP set as well.
Prices are low now a good time to buy GI Joe.
Thanks for the love SEAN68.
Thanks for the love Manikin.
Thanks for the love rhinoman.
Thanks for the love indianapolisrebel.
Thanks for hitting the love button again Sean:)
Thanks for the love vetraio50.
Thanks for the love Newfld.
Thanks for the love roddyq.