indianapolisrebel » collections



A collector of every thing from toys to comic books, I can be found on you tube ,face book,Google+,and just about any where on line, with-reviews,and showing off my A collector of every thing from toys to comic books, I can be found on you tube ,face book,Google+,and just about any where on line, with-reviews,and showing off my huge collection of G.I.Joe,Wrestling,Star Wars,Star Trek,Lord of the Rings,Marvel and D.C. toys and action figures,and more,every thing from 1960's-present day, sharing toy news, history,and what ever else there is. (Read more)


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Mattel WWE ELITE 44 Macho Man Randy Savage - Toysin Toys
the Suicide Squad - Dead Shot - Toysin Toys
Cyborg G.I.Joe? - Toysin Toys
Custom Kitbash Adventure Team G.I.Joe knock offs Villains Whitey Mullins - Toysin Toys
Custom 12 inch G.I.Joe Adventure Team  (Villains) knock offs ...Karl the Merc - Toysin Toys
Custom Kitbash G.I.Joe Villain Baron Black... - Toysin Toys
Mattel WWE Ringside exclusive Kevin Nash action figure - Toysin Toys
Marvel Legends Captain America as a Wolf Man ; Red Skull/Onslaught series - Toysin Toys
More of My G.I.Joe's - Toysin Toys
Marvel Legends Kraven, and other Spider Man villains join the collection - Toysin Toys


  1. yes its very sad. China was so disrespected, She found out the man she was supposed to merry cheats on her with the bosses daughter, then she gets released, Then told she cant wrestle for another comp...
  2. I didn't know about this guy. I had at one time I thought every piece in the collection. All except this guy. One of the many toy lines I collected I wish I still had I loved westerns & I loved my Jon...
  3. High Vincent so sorry it took this long to reply to you're comment , I bought it at a flea market really cheap. I believe it's a 21st century vehicle they were a toy company that made 12 inch scale mi...
  4. Now that you mention it. sort of does...
  5. thanks. Yes that's the rumor, all though I am hearing they are considering licensing them to other companies, it' also rumored they will be concentrating on the 3 inch real american hero lines. than...
  6. here is a link to cotswold they have a reproduction of the Mego Captain America you can actually buy. hope it helps
  7. No I don't have it I used to have both the mego 8 & 12 inch but sold them years ago..
  8. cool! I remember having so many Johnny west toys & accessories hard to remember all of them love seeing these there's always something I didn't remember having or even know existed.
  9. Love Mad magazine grew up reading them along with Cracked. Best finds are like the ones you mentioned I found the entire run of Marvel two in one several years while helping a friend move in their new...
  10. thanks,I got a really awesome deal on that half track, I found it at a flea market one of my favorite vehicles. Specially what they go for these days ...
  11. Thanks Fortapache, glad you liked them...
  12. thanks, Watch nut. I went to them a lot as a kid to and then my son and I began & I began meeting a lot of the wrestlers and know them personally. We have a few smaller companies here & most are reall...
  13. I have been making G.I.Joes so long It comes easy. The hardest part is deciding what parts or clothing I will use for certain figures. Over the years beside buying new and used, I have come across man...
  14. Thank you Trey, & to think I was sure no one would like it. It really means a lot. I respect our Vets and am proud to have a family that served. I would have if a Heart defect & a few other health iss...
  15. Love these books I have large collection of Military comics and Weird War was great series. Haunted Tank was another classic. Some of D.C.'s Non Super Hero comics are in a class of their own. Kubert...
  16. cool figure. I recently started looking up other versions of Joe and after doing so realized that Action Man & Geyper Man,Takara were still being made long after the U.S. stopped production. They gad...
  17. Wow love you're display, and you have a great collection, I see some stuff In there that I would love to have in my collection..
  18. Saw some of these at a flea market, What'd the usual price tag in them id I may ask don't want to over pay;
  19. thanks every one.
  20. I did the same with my Joes,some sets had items from foreign sets, If you lived in America you might get Action Man style or other countries,same as vice versa, sometimes you could get different color...
  21. Wow very nice, I know what you mean about room I have so much in boxes and would love to set up,specially since the place I have now is smaler than the one I used to have. great colection
  22. I had him as a kid wish I still had him for my Steve and Oscar figures....
  23. Cool, tell him thanks for me and thanks for posting
  24. I always wanted that Helicopter set, very cool.
  25. Looks like you have a nice collection as well.
  26. Cool love the Dress Marine sets
  27. thank's guys give me a little time and I'll get through i't all I have so much more in totes and boxes I forgot what I have some where from my child hood,some were from my sons too,and some I collecte...
  28. thanks Phil, glad you like them and thanks for commenting
  29. Yes I will be gad to post more pictures, that is a Captain Action,I don't have the deluxe sets but I am working on Hawk Eye, I have all but the Loki set. Yes that is an Aqua lad good eye. here in a c...
  30. See more


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