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    Posted 10 years ago

    (38 items)

    Added some new WWE wrestlers to my ever growing collection Ringside exclusive Shawn Michaels from early in his career he was managed by Sherry so for now he's standing next to here.and a great figure it is one of my facorites now. Also Dx X-Pak now only need China to complete Dx. also got a Stephanie McMann .Scott Hall and Hulk Hpgan Elite with his current look and hte big boa around his neck ,a basic Hogan that has his classic red and yellow the shirt actual came with the elite with two shirts I gave this Hogan one, then another Hogan T-shirt molded on I knew once he signed that Legend contract they woulfd spit figures left and right. Growing up in the Hogan era and being a fan of the attitude era I got to say Mattel has been hitting it on the head.and last but not least Brie Bella,

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      CHYNA ( WWE ) PASSED away today too:
    2. Caperkid, 9 years ago
      Sad another WWE WWF death this organization should be investigated 1 in 3 people from this era killed by murder or suicide almost thirty people.
    3. indianapolisrebel indianapolisrebel, 8 years ago
      yes its very sad. China was so disrespected, She found out the man she was supposed to merry cheats on her with the bosses daughter, then she gets released, Then told she cant wrestle for another company for so many years, She hooked up with X pak & gets addicted toall those drugs, then He betrays her & releases a sex tape All of this drama being played out all over television, then Howard Stern did that interview, knowing she was not in her right mind, & shamed her, She moved to Japan & started teaching she really seamed at peace & like she was going to be o.k. I think her worst mistake was coming back She was trying to get into the Hall of Famre & she deserved it to. more than any other girl there. Hunter announced she couldn't because she was in porn, yet if you dig in to back grounds you will see a lot of those girls like Sunny & more did porn & they are in. Now after she passes away Stephanie McMan says they will let her. I say she died of a broken heart. I am glad you guys commented I myself havent been on much for some time, My Dad just passed away & I had been trying to help my Mother take care of him up till then. He had stage 4 brain cancer, Doing what I do on collecting is bitter sweet now, My Dad is the one who got me into alll the collecting 7 all the wrestling, reading comics all of it. we did a lot of that stuff together & nw hes gone. I will keep going with it though in honor of my Pops, & in honor of people like China who were entertainers & are no longer here, Keeping their memories alive..

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