Posted 10 years ago
(38 items)
I always luck out when ever I find a broken or a nude figure. No matter if I find one in a second hand store,Or a flea market or on the street. I always have parts for them. As a kid when my toys broke, or even if I stumble upon a single boot, or peg any old piece. I kept it. I drug these old parts so long now that I usually have any part I need. I do still buy figures and equipment but I always have the option. The vintage red fuzz head for instance I bought long ago the head was on a vintage A.T. body. It was in pretty bad shape. the hands and feet where chewed up the i't was missing a hand here a foot there. I gave $5 bucks for it and tossed it in a plastic storage box that was full of other parts. Just the other day I bought a classic collection Joe his head paint and ink marks from a marker. I got in the mood to make a new figure. Storing threw the box that old A.T. head pops up and on it went. Now the heads don't fit snug but a trip to the hard ware store fore some burlap string and it fits fine now. That's just a small example of what I do for action figures....
I saw the AT head on the newer body. Noticed that was not kung fu grip. Great collection. I always love seeing these.
You must have a lot of Joes there. Tell me, is putting Gi Joe together extremely fiddly of easy?
I have been making G.I.Joes so long It comes easy. The hardest part is deciding what parts or clothing I will use for certain figures. Over the years beside buying new and used, I have come across many Joes that were broken and discarded. I take them and rebuild them I have lots of parts and clothes. I have Kung fu grip I have lots of older heads on the newer bodies. with a little help fitting the heads I like the way they look. I have noticed over on flicker and face book the look is catching on. Thanks every one for taking time to view and comment.