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Custom Kitbash G.I.Joe Villain Baron Black...

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Action Figures206 of 381Custom 12 inch G.I.Joe Adventure Team  (Villains) knock offs ...Karl the MercPrune face, Itchy and Dick Tracy
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (38 items)

    As many who have been following me on here know I am a collector of G.I.Joe & many other toy lines. I was sad to hear recently that Hasbro will not be making any more 12 inch scale G.I.Joe figures in the foreseeable future. The last few years there have been little to nothing from them. Luckily a company called Cotswold Collectibles have been offering vintge Joe toys & the Elite brigade. The Brigade figures & the Emessary figures are compatible with G.I.Joe. & it's thanks to these type of fans of the original that give us collectors a little hope. Also to be mentioned are sellers like Monkey Depot & 3rd Sons, They sell all types of figures & equipment for you're Joe's. My way of carrying on is making my custom Joe's.I always said there weren't any Bad Guys for Joe, There were attempts at making some small little cave men, & Action Man had alien villains for their Space Rangers. We had Cobra with the 3 inch line & tried to mold over to the 12 line but was short lived. My Bad Guys will be a mixture of both. Still working out kinks in their story lines but here's Baron Black , He has a Cotswold Head on a classic collection body, hes armed to the teeth, beside him is one of his henchmen. he has a working rocket launcher on his wrist. It's just some new ideas i'm working out hope ya like it.

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Nice post. By "the little cavemen" are you referring to "The Intruders", because......yeah, they silly.
      Anyway nice custom figure. And thanks for telling that there will be no more 12 inch GI Joes, how unfortunate.
    2. indianapolisrebel indianapolisrebel, 9 years ago
      thanks. Yes that's the rumor, all though I am hearing they are considering licensing them to other companies, it' also rumored they will be concentrating on the 3 inch real american hero lines. thanks for comenting

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