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Custom 12 inch G.I.Joe Adventure Team (Villains) knock offs ...Karl the Merc

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Action Figures205 of 381Custom Kitbash Adventure Team G.I.Joe knock offs Villains Whitey MullinsCustom Kitbash G.I.Joe Villain Baron Black...
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (38 items)

    Continuing my Custom Joe (Knockoffs) Here's Karl the Merc. (short for Mercenary), Karl is a bad dude his services are to the Highest bidder. He's worked against our Joe's many times for Cobra, Destro, over seas He's worked for Doctor X against Joe's cousin Action Man. He is an expert in suburban warfare. He is well known with organized crime doing anything from being a bag man to being a hit man. He is an expert in hand to hand, & all small arms semi & automatic weapons, He is one of Americas most wanted using his Street smarts to slip right threw authorities grasps every time. I built this figure using a Carl head from Cotswold Collectibles. His body is a retro vintage style G.I.Joe body with bendy hands, His clothes are from other toy lines that I had in my giant Joe trunk. I love Cotswold's fuzzy heads & the fact they have different individual looks & aren't all the same. thanks for checking it out hope you like...

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    1. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      Looks like Walter White:)
    2. indianapolisrebel indianapolisrebel, 9 years ago
      Now that you mention it. sort of does...

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