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Elite Bo Dallas ,Jerry Lawler & .& Create a Superstar figures.

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Action Figures226 of 381Dr Who The Tardis (old UK Police Box) a toy that makes all the Orignal sounds with lights Mattel W.W.E.  DEFINING MOMENTS STING, Hulk  Hogan (Hall of fame target excl.)TITO SANTANA & BATTLE PACKS El TORITO & HORN SWOG
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (38 items)

    Bo Dallas has apeared on WWE t.v. for a while now and all ican say about him is, e comes out gives an annoying speech then loses. But he makes for a cool action figure tho. I had to show the build set again and show how I took an older figure and mixed it with the parts from the Hogan one. these are great for the kiddies folks. I would have said that and passed on getting it but they were on sale and i picked up one for cheap just
    to check it out and i really ;ike them

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    1. watchnut, 10 years ago
      I like,went to wrestling events as a kid,cool stuff.
    2. indianapolisrebel indianapolisrebel, 10 years ago
      thanks, Watch nut. I went to them a lot as a kid to and then my son and I began & I began meeting a lot of the wrestlers and know them personally. We have a few smaller companies here & most are really cool people. Thanks for comenting

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