Posted 10 years ago
(38 items)
(Picture one Grand pa in his different regulation Navy uniforms. Bottom left pic one He sits with Grandma Holding their first child my Uncle Earl jr.) ( picture two is top left his Navy buddies top right another uniform pic, the bottom left is his Mail carrier days, he was a Mail carrier for the U.S. postal service until he retired. bottom right here he is around 59 or 60 carrying shingles for a roof, He was a do it you're selfer till the day he died at 77.) ( Here he is as he took a trip back to Pearl Harbor to show my Granny ) and here he is not sure when this was taken or who all was in it. pretty sure my uncle ,aunt and the short fella's my Dad..)My entire family has served in the Military from way back in the Revolutionary War to Vietnam. My Grandfather Earl H. Summers was one that I am proud to say I know. I have an album he left me with lots of pictures from Pearl Harbor before and after the attack. If any one is interested in seeing them I will post I just have to transfer them to digital. Gramps as I have always addressed him never talked much about his time in the war. I do know he was a Golden Gloves champion until his nose got broken and he would laugh and say that the broken nose was what made him quit. He was a Gunner I plan to study to see what that is. I am more familiar with Army and Marines lingo than Navy. He was one man I respected , as did many. He helped people over the years. Several times when a friend or family member passed away he helped cover the expenses of their funerals. He helped people buy cars houses, I could go on all day. He was stubborn as well. When he was forced to retire he was so mad , and when it came to working on houses or cars he did it him self. He didn't tell anyone when he was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer till it was later. He never complained about it. and handled it like a man till the very end. We need this type of people today. His generation worked took care of their families. did what they had to do.Not because they had to but because it was the right thing. I also have pictures of him in his young Navy days flirting with the beautiful Hawaiian girls. Any way hope you all like and if you do I will post more.
Great post:)
Thank you Trey, & to think I was sure no one would like it. It really means a lot. I respect our Vets and am proud to have a family that served. I would have if a Heart defect & a few other health issues hadn't kept me out....