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Löetz Phänomen, Tiffany-Art decoration in blue-moss green. Backlit.

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (584 items)

    About two years ago I posted about this vase for the first time. Now Carlos has suggested I should upload some pictures of it seen backlit, and I have to say he's absolutely right to want me to because it looks absolutely stunning!

    What in normal light appears mostly as a blue vase wth some golden and golden moss reflections turns bright orange when seen backlit and besides you can appreciate that the original glass is Candia.

    I think it's pretty amazing because irisdiscent vases usually lose interest when seen with such a light, but this one gives us a completely new kind of beuty. Would like to see other vases with the same decoration in this lighting.

    By the way, even if i've put a small picture of the vase in normal light conditions so you can compare, here is the link to the original post:

    By the way, we've added a fourth picture there showing drawings of this vase taken from the Lobmeyr archive.

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    1. Aimathena Aimathena, 11 years ago
      Absolutely Gorgeous!!! What a fantastic vase. STUNNING is right.
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Thanks to you both for sharing it again with us!
    3. LoetzBuddies LoetzBuddies, 11 years ago
      Maybe from the collection of Emperor Franz Joseph ?
    4. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Amazing! Gorgeous! Wow!
      Your decanter has arrived safely here.
      I'll get it to you when you send me this...hee hee.
    5. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Is that blackmail, Amber? Hahahaha, just write me and will set the delivery conditions ;)

      @Loetz Buddies... at least it would deserve it! ;)

      Thanks Amber, LoetzBuddies, Michelleb007, Vet, dlfd911 and charcoal for loving it!!!
    6. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      very very beautiful:)!
    7. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks Sean! I think this vase is the real jewel in the house :)
    8. famatta127 famatta127, 11 years ago
      Looks great but it would look fantastic in MY display case...
    9. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks for you love, famatta!
    10. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks Bohemian glass for loving this special vase!!!
    11. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Yes, blackmail. Absolutely. :))
      Sent you an email.
    12. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks for your loves ks85, jack1989, smiata and Perfumer!!!
    13. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks MacArt!!
    14. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks Fledermaus for loving it! We've taking a look at your collection... truly amazing!!!
    15. cogito cogito, 11 years ago
      Fledermaus' collection is truly amazing. I wholeheartedly agree!

      BTW - LoetzBuddies, were you kidding about the Franz Joseph collection thing? I've often wondered what was presented to him by Loetz. When you visit the museums of Vienna it's clear that many of the major glass manufacturers presented special items to the Emperior during the latter aspect of the 19th century.
    16. Lise Lise, 11 years ago
      Gorgeous :)
    17. GlueChip GlueChip, 11 years ago
      I think you should let me light it for you in my showcase. Love the vase. Thanks for posting again. I would give it two loves and a super hug!
    18. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Mmmm.. it's not I don't trust you, but I really prefer to have it safely kept in its cabinet, surrounded by its fellow vases... ;)
    19. Moonhill Moonhill, 11 years ago
      One Beautiful vase...
    20. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks Mr. Moon!!! I think this is THE vase in our collection.
    21. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 11 years ago
      You sir, have an amazing (for lack of a better word) and extensive collection, so many beautiful pieces!!! I think my jaw needs to be fused back together!!! :) Thank you for sharing-opens up a whole other world!
    22. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks so much, share!!! Well, well, we're just a couple with some good taste... I wish i personally had as much money! We, I at least, enjoy nicely designed items, and it's an inmense pleasure to share them all with you... at least their images :)

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