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    Posted 11 years ago

    (62 items)

    My friend letting me take his truck out for a spin . It was a good year for Chevy trucks . We had a 1949 Ford modified that I posted awhile back
    Anyone feel safe letting me drive ya around :-)
    1949 Chevrolet truck was similar to the 1947 model, and in fact Chevy's 1948 trucks were nearly identical to the '47s.
    No catagory for trucks ?

    Chevrolet Cars
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    1969 Chevrolet Chevelle Matching Numbers Survivor
    1969 Chevrolet Chevelle Matching Nu...
    1988 Chevrolet Camaro Low Miles *NO RESERVE* One-Family-Owned
    1988 Chevrolet Camaro Low Miles *NO...
    1960 Chevrolet Corvette
    1960 Chevrolet Corvette ...
    1954 Chevrolet Corvette
    1954 Chevrolet Corvette ...
    1969 Chevrolet Chevelle Matching Numbers Survivor
    1969 Chevrolet Chevelle Matching Nu...
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    1. officialfuel officialfuel, 11 years ago
      I'll take a ride as long as I could get behind the wheel too. Love those Chevrolet trucks! I'll get my coat.

    2. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Ok Official (Micheal ) you drive , if I can read the map :-) Thanks for the love and come along !
    3. kerry10456 kerry10456, 11 years ago
      Room for one more in there. small cabs but we can squeeze
    4. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      are you driven up to Appleton? im only an hour away from ya :)
    5. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      Beautiful Truck!
    6. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 11 years ago
      sweet truck...........lucky u get to drive it ... good to to good friends
    7. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 11 years ago
      should of read ...good to have good friends ..
    8. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 11 years ago
      had to get new glasses today ...still can see the keys like i should..smiling., getting old I guess Manikin
    9. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      There is always room to squeeze us together kerry lol and rest of gang but Michael won't come if he can't drive . Sean that is long drive even as close as we are in distance . I am short distance driver but you can jump in and Roy your right it is good to have good friends to give a ride to hop on board :-)
    10. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      @Roy I am nearly blind so we are good and on same page I can make boo boo's typing because of eyesight ...oh did I mention my poor eyesight for all you willing to drive with me LOL <grin>
    11. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Well, since I haven't saved up enough for departure tax from St. Maarten, it would be nice if you could give me a ride to Miami so I can pick up some things at Walmart & Harbour freight. I still have coupons from Kmart if they still exist? I may be able to pitch in on the bridge toll, - when they build it! On 2nd thought, I guess I'll just have to continue to live with Match & Kooyman.
    12. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Mani, It's beginning to sound like you need to convert it to a bus or "Top-Top"!
    13. Jono Jono, 11 years ago
      Put chairs in the back of the bed! Haven't you ever seen the Beverly Hillbillies? LOL
    14. Aimathena Aimathena, 11 years ago
      Mani, you're adorable! I'll go, but I'll sit in the back. That way I'll have time to jump out before we hit anything. LoL
    15. EJW-54 EJW-54, 11 years ago
      Now that is way cool Manikin!
    16. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Great ride Sis, love it & your smile!
    17. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Blunder we can build a back seat in bed of truck or tie a few chairs on back like Juno said :-) ! The more the merrier .
      EJW Thanks ! Cool is good <grin>
      Aim thank you so much ! xo
      Thank you Bro , I bought that smile on ebay for this photo lol ! xoxo
      bratjdd your to sweet and many thanks xoxo
    18. Aimathena Aimathena, 11 years ago
      LoL Phil. What a funny and great idea.
    19. toolate2 toolate2, 11 years ago
      What a great picture! You ladies look like trouble to me though... I'm stayin home!
    20. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      LOL come on toolate you'll miss the ride if your "late" :-) Thanks for the love
    21. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Phil that is good idea I better get out my paint . I can do my own traveling show and charge lol :-) Thank you for the love always super glad to see you on my posts xxoxo
    22. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you gargoyle,charcoal,trukn20,signaholic,jono,shughs ,bratjdd,RonM,mikelv, vetraio50 and geo ! many many thanks for the love on this post ! :-)
    23. mrmajestic1 mrmajestic1, 11 years ago
      I had my own '51 years ago. Tough ol' trucks.
    24. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you mrmaj ! they don't make them like they used to , a person could work on them and fix yourself no high tech computer needed :-)
    25. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Mani, are you going to tell us you can work on this?
    26. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      I sure could Blunder ! My Dad had me help him work on his cars and I held a lot of flashlights when he did work on them . He had no boys so 2 girls in my family could work on cars . I had to learn and glad I he taught me as there were times I had to repair my truck on a long isolated road in Arkansas , We did not have a 49 but we always had a older car in yard .
    27. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      I'm proud of you! Is Arkansas a state, town, province, country or territory?
    28. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 11 years ago
      Is Arkansas a state, town, province, country or territory?
      lol lucas ..stand your ground Manikin..let him have it with both barrels ...smiling
    29. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Blunder it is a state way down south and it is very hilly up and down and lots of woods . I lived there 2 years in the back hills and would drive to Hospital in main town in state on old country back roads . It was hillbilly area back then and everyone packed a gun and lots of illegal stills so you didn't want to be out there alone . Oh an my Dad did teach me to shoot a rifle also and hunt with him but the rifle was to much for me and knocked me back so he stood behind me to keep me from falling. I did not like shooting that scared me and the noise too .
    30. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Mani, that sounds like N. AL where I grew up. All those hydro-elec lakes have moves the stills higher up in the mountains.
    31. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you bootson,Thank you Chevelleman69 ,pickrknows,phil,fluffy,tom61, and mtg ! many many Thanks it is appreciated
    32. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you pw-collector :-) Much appreciated and hop on board with us :-)
    33. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you RAD21289 ! I appreciate you stopping and have enjoyed your many posts :-)
    34. pops52 pops52, 11 years ago
      Great pics Manikin, Thanks for sharing with us.
    35. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you pops ! hope all is good by you and always appreciate seeing you :-)
    36. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you egreeley1976 ! I appreciate you stopping and putting a love on this post :-)
    37. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you Aztom ! I sure appreciate you stopping and putting a love on this :-)))
    38. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      What's going on I've been waiting three days & you haven't showed up yet!!
      Did you & your truckload of fellow collectors forget your passports or did the cops put an end to it before you made it out of Wisconsin:-))
    39. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      I was on way but dang I can't find the GPS in it ?? I was sure it would tell me how to get there Bro :-(
    40. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Excuses, excuses......... :-)))
    41. inky inky, 11 years ago
      Fantastic colour and Manikin and I have to say!.... you look just a tad!
    42. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you inky :-) yes it is fun to drive these old cars . I prefer the 1950-60 models but this one was a work horse of trucks :-) many thanks xoxo
    43. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you Designer , and moon ! Much appreciated :-)
    44. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      I love the truck yeah I would trust you the colour is also fantastic well done have a great day to you & yours
    45. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you Zowie :-) I am always delighted to see you on my posts . Much appreciated :-)
    46. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you farmlady ! love your screen name and thanks so much for stopping at my post hope to see you again. I farmed for many years so love anything to do with farms :-) again many thanks
    47. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you petey so much ! I appreciate the love on this post :-))))
    48. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you toracat and filmnet ! I appreciate you stopping and putting a little love on this post :-)
    49. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      I love your posts such a variety
    50. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you Zowie that was so kind of you to post :-)
    51. jimborasco jimborasco, 11 years ago
      If you can drool over a truck...I'm there! Love it!!
    52. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you jimborasco :-) I think drooling is ok as long as it doesn't hit keyboard :- ) Many Thanks for comment and stopping !
    53. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      I think you may have some sort of idea where I come from & I meant it from the bottom of my heart. I hear a coffee calling.
    54. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you kingshawn ! Much appreciated :-)
    55. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Zowie pour me a cup of coffee too :-))))))))) xo
    56. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      Better late then never, I poured your cuppa it went cold waiting for you to get here just about to have a cold drink getting dry again. I hope all went well for your festive season. I'm nearly through all the Emails & my fingers are getting stiff what some do in a short time takes me hours.
    57. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you nutsabotas6 and fortapache! I appreciate you stopping and putting a love on this post :-)
    58. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you racer4four! I appreciate the love and many thanks for all the loves you have given my posts :-)))
    59. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you antiquerose ! I appreciate the love and hope it is warmer in Canada now ! :-) so we warm up too
    60. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      Love to a bit far to come 7 pick me up. Enjoy your drive.
    61. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Zowie I would pick you up but afraid it is so far your right :-)
      Many Thanks to
      Trey and
      antiquerose !!
    62. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      How was the trip, are you in a club I always enjoy hearing from you all on collectors so many kind words & information from everyone. I hope you have been lucky. I will have to get off butt & take some photos so I can put down as it is Norton keeps telling me I come to this site to often.
    63. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you very much Lise !
      @ Zowie your Nortons says you come to this site to often ? That is strange . Tell it you will come as much as you like we love seeing you ! xoxo
    64. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      I do love the car from the days when they were built to protect not fold like todays cars. I follow my Emails when I am on this site. that is most probably why I never get around to doing anything. I'm going about it the wrong way. I still love the car
    65. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you Zowie :-) It is hard to keep up for sure on CW xoxoo
    66. kerry10456 kerry10456, 11 years ago
      Mani... girl hanging on my arm was old friend... she's hanging on because of a stroke she had 1 year ago and her youngest... it was a Biker funeral , lost a good friend... if you noticed all old bikers
    67. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 11 years ago
      Wonderful!!! Lucky you Manikin!
      Im ready too ;)
    68. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Kerry sorry to hear you lost a friend . I thought it might have been the meeting for all the old bikers in town, Yes you were being a gentleman as I would expect nothing less of you to help a lady :-) xoxo
    69. kerry10456 kerry10456, 11 years ago
      Thanks Mani..... I shared another 100 pics or so on my page, if you get bored and wanna see a bunch of old farts doing the Valhalla Celebration
    70. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      In keeping up with CW you sure have that wright have a great day
    71. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 11 years ago
      i learned how to drive on a 1943 Dodge army truck. when i came home from high school in australia, i went to take it out for a spin, and was swarmed by hornets which had taken up residence in the glove compartment!
    72. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      Ouch not a nice thing to happen. been seeing some great cars of late. Be safe have a great weekend
    73. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      ho2cultcha, I think I would have jumped out and let truck take off without me !! Hi Zowie :-) hope you have a nice week end also and thank you both for stopping ! xoxo
    74. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      It's always a pleasure I get to see your top truck for one.
    75. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Zowie always glad to see you and many many thanks ! xoxo
    76. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Thank you clockerman and Geo ! Much appreciated
    77. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      I see you are taking off in our ute again have a safe trip
    78. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      Many Thanks Jewels and shareurpassions ! I am always delighted to see you both :-)
    79. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      What a cool machine !! I'd love one ;-) or two;-)
    80. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      Thank you surf :-)
    81. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      Hedge I gotta love you what a great friend you have always been :-) xo
    82. AzTom AzTom, 10 years ago
    83. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      Happy Easter AZ !!!!
    84. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Oh, forgot, Happy Easter
    85. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Look my Easter post, this could give you a ;-) smile and
      some energizer, to comeback soon, everyone will miss U
      A friend on CW
    86. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 10 years ago
      Hey Mani I'm thinkin of doing a little competition with a prize . Maybe it will lighten things up and bring some cohesion back to the group. What do you think ? I will make sure it has to do with collecting .
    87. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      Sounds good hedge we need to lighten up like old days :-)
    88. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      What you got in mind Edgewalker.....:-)
    89. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 10 years ago
      Hey Alan I've been thinking about a little comp for a while and I think in light of all that's been going on this would be a good time. I don't want to give any details yet to keep it fair . And I do want EVERYONE to feel comfortable about joining in. I will post details and get it started tomorrow if no problems come up .
    90. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Sounds good hedgewalker, i keep my eyes open on that.....i will (-:o)
    91. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 10 years ago
      Feel free to spread the word.
    92. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Don't worry, i believe, thing, good or bad spread very fast here.
      Take care
    93. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      Hi Valentino and Zowie . Thank you both , I will be around just not posting :-) xoxo
    94. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 10 years ago
      Another sad news... I will miss you here. I am sad that the trolls won.
    95. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      Thank you Elisabethan I will be popping in :-)
      many Thanks for the love on my truck to all you I missed
    96. Coke1234 Coke1234, 10 years ago
      New here ....but love those old chevy trucks and what a cool color. Was that a 3 on the tree or 4 on the floor ?
    97. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      3 on the tree Coke :-) Thanks for checking out my post and glad to have you with us on CW
    98. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      Ok mutsabotas :-) even with my poor eyesight lol . welcome aboard !!
    99. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      I guess the M instead of N tells you my eyes not so good :-) sorry about that nutsabotas6.
    100. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      See Manikin you gave me something else to smile about even if it was just a M & N when I read it back I realised what the M said & no offence was taken by him either the way it should be. Manikin if you see or hear from Philalexandera say hi even if he doesn't remember I miss his post. Why I asked you to I gather you might of knowing him personally
    101. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      I will pass a Hello along to Phil for you Zowie :-)
    102. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      Thanks Manikin he was such a nice man & helpful he was also having a bad year by the sounds of things sometimes we just don't need certain things that happen. Enjoy your weekend
    103. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      He said Hi back to you Zowie :-)
    104. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      Thanks Manikin wish he would come back he had great input
    105. MeliG MeliG, 10 years ago
    106. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 10 years ago
      Yep. I luv the truck!
    107. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      MeliG, Thank you very much :-) and nice to see a new face on my post ! Much appreciated
    108. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      Rattletrap, many thanks and thank you for all your great posts I always enjoy them :-)
    109. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 10 years ago
      here's a little tune u can play in the back ground while your cruising CW ;-))))
    110. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 10 years ago
    111. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      Roy I love that song !!! One of my all time favorites :-) I sure would play it , thanks buddy for great link !
    112. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Many thanks to all of you for stopping and liking this post , Much appreciated
    113. jscott0363 jscott0363, 9 years ago
      Manikin, What an incredible looking truck! I love this!
    114. epson233 epson233, 9 years ago
      what a beauty!!!!!
    115. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thank you epson233 and jscott0363 Much appreciated that you stopped and made a comment always delighted to see you .
    116. mcheconi mcheconi, 9 years ago
      I want one!
    117. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Ok mcheconi I will drive and put on boat and swim there can I have your mannequin if I come :-) lol
    118. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      kyratango many thanks :-) hope all is well with you !
    119. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      You're welcome Manikin, I thought having already loved it months ago... age attack, lol.
      Besides that, all is well :-)
    120. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Hey MANI, my USA Friend -- Had our first sniff of snow here with some freezing Rain. Would not like to drive that beautiful piece in the snow/ice/slippery roads!!
    121. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      rose we had first snow yesterday :-( went from in 70's last week to snow and cold like a blink of the eye here.
    122. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 9 years ago
      Hey Mani !!! Nice to see ya ! This has always been one of my Fav posts !
    123. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thanks Hedge :-) sure miss seeing you but glad to see you pop in now and then
      Merry Christmas !
    124. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      U look great in the cool truck & u need to get one!
    125. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thank ya kindly Roy :-)
    126. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 9 years ago
      your late ... ;-)) wonder how much money I put in to the juke box ...back in the day ...
    127. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      I am lost Roy my GPS went out lol . I love those jukebox's !!!
    128. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 9 years ago
    129. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thanks Roy ! Loved the song :-) Merry Christmas to you and your family !
    130. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thank you all much appreciated that you stopped at this post . Merry Christmas to all the Great folks on CW ~!
      lisa- great seeing you pop in on this post today Lisa . Merry Christmas to you and staff at CW for all you do to make site the BEST !
    131. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thank you SpiritBear :-) so nice to see you on one of my posts :-)
    132. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thank you glassiegirl and nice to see you again :-) Yes I am still here with a few other oldies on site :-)
    133. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thank you thegatherer ! Much appreciated :-)
    134. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thank you Signaholic for stopping today and appreciate it !
      Many thanks Radegunder :-)
    135. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Loved ya again MANI !!!!!
    136. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thank you Rose ! I just put a love to it myself lol too . I am ready to hit the road south where there is a sandy beach :-)
    137. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Happy Easter to you all -- over the Miles!!

      Tiny bit of snow here yet ;-(
    138. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 9 years ago
      Hi my friend! Can I just love this again??? Ok then, I love it! :)
    139. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thank you shareurpassion so nice to see you :-)
    140. buckethead, 9 years ago
      very fine '49 - happy smile
    141. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thank you buckethead ! and glad to see your smile :-)
    142. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Well I Thank ya kindly olebodie . Such a nice comment :-)
    143. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thank you fleafinder so nice to see you stop by and check out my old truck :-)
    144. fleafinder fleafinder, 9 years ago
      beep beep beep honk honk !!!!!!*waves to manikin
    145. vonsboy vonsboy, 9 years ago
      I used to love riding in the back of my great uncles identical pickup outside Fort Smith Arkansas when we visited, perfect for enjoying the beauty of the Ozarks!
    146. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Vonsboy thank you and I did live in Arkansas for awhile but the truck I drove there was falling apart as I drove through hills in ice to get to work at Hospital in Little Rock . Good memories and thanks for stopping :-)
    147. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      Oh, what a FABULOUS truck!!!!
    148. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Thank you fleafinder and I am waving right back atcha :-) Thanks so much for stopping and saying Hi :-)
    149. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Thank you Efesgirl always nice to see you ! And I appreciate the love
    150. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Many thanks olebodie ! I so enjoyed your comment :-) Stop again anytime
    151. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Here is my other truck olebodie
    152. vetraio50 vetraio50, 8 years ago
    153. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Thank you vetraio50 and Greetings to you and your family . Here's to a New Year hoping we all find treasures to share on CW :-)
    154. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Merry Christmas Mani!
      Best wishes for the end of this year, waiting for 2017 :-)
    155. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Many thanks roddyq and Coke1234 for stopping much appreciated :-)
    156. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Thank you ho2cultcha for stopping by today . Much appreciated :-)
    157. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 8 years ago
      Hey your getting a lot of miles out of these pictures ... '-) hope all is well ...
    158. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Hiya Roy Oh Roy :-) yep been travelin' around the world . I stopped at your place to fill up tank but you were not home :-( nice to see ya
    159. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Many thanks Mrstyndall always appreciate you stopping by :-)
    160. Master Master, 8 years ago
      So that's what you look like.i thought you looked like your picture on your page.only joking you look great.nice to put a face to the name.thanks for all your input
    161. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Thanks Master :-) Yes that is me . This is me several years ago
    162. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 8 years ago
      OH Mani the days of pickup trucks, bench seats and drive in movies. Gone but not forgotten. I learned to drive in a 39 chevy pick up with the old push starter beside the gas pedal. What memories.
    163. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Yes I miss the Drive Inn Movies for sure fhr . Those were the days my friend :-)
    164. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Thank you Belltown always so nice to see you pop in on a post :-)
    165. Wendling Wendling, 8 years ago
      Manikin had fun driving the Chevy,I can tell.
    166. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 8 years ago
      That is too funny, look at what I just posted! Can't wait till it looks as good as this one!
    167. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Many thanks Wendling gotta love a Chevy :-)

      Shareurpassion thanks for stopping and giving me a heads up on your new truck :-)
    168. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Many thanks to you for bringing this back up and giving it a love . Much appreciated and I owe ya all a ride :-)
    169. Manikin Manikin, 7 years ago
      Thank you Newfld and ignatz I appreciate you stopping and giving this post a love . It is always nice to see :-)
    170. Gulf99 Gulf99, 7 years ago
      Not many vehicles could look good in that color. But that old Chevy looks great in that color. Could use that to carry home some big signs.
    171. Manikin Manikin, 6 years ago
      Thank you for those I missed this past month I appreciate you stopping :-)
    172. Manikin Manikin, 6 years ago
      Thank you both much appreciated :-)
    173. Hoot60, 5 years ago
      Nice Picture - Looks like a lot of fun!
    174. Manikin Manikin, 5 years ago
      Thank you Hoot :-) and yes reminds me of days on farm when I was in it .
      Thanks Cokeman for stopping :-)
    175. Manikin Manikin, 3 years ago
      Thank you vcal ! Much appreciated

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