Posted 11 years ago
(3476 items)
Picked this up at the Rose Bowl Flea Market. It can receive calls but obviously can't dial out as it has no dial. Note that it was modified to plug into a modern phone jack.
The handset is metal with bakelite mouth and earpiece.
The desk phone is Western Electric model manufactured around 1929/1930. The number on the base is the drop location on a manual switchboard.
Thank you very much ttomtucker for the additional information.
New improved 1st picture for this.
Thank you otiamaria
I don't know phones-- tell us about the sword to the left in image #1!
That sword will get it's own show and tell eventually. I was told it is English. And there is a trick to removing it from the scabbard but I am not telling just yet.
Thank you moonstonelover21 and petey.
Hiya Fort :) I hope all is well
Going pretty good Aimathena. I am getting all caught up.
That's great :) I'm glad your internet isn't down.
Thank you stelios.
Your desk phone is a Western Electric model 202 manufactured around 1929/30. the phone number 13F5 was the drop location on a manual switchboard.
Thank you very much ttomtucker. I shall amend the description.
Thank you toracat.
Info corrected courtesy of ttomtucker and description amended.
Thank you
Thank you PoliticalPinbacks.
Thank you
Thank you Newfld.
Thank you
Thank you very much Thomas. An operator was needed.
Thank you very much keramikos. I shall jusr sing the song.
So nice! This video has historical pics of phones & ads: The Nerves - "Hanging On The Telephone"