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Three early Gunnar Nylund vases from Strömbergshyttan.

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Scandinavian Art Glass704 of 1435Nanny Still_AMETIISTI vase and jugswedish suspect
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (116 items)

    Model number B607, 250 and 200 mm.
    Model number B 608, 280mm.
    Model number B 535, 210 mm.

    In the catalog from 1954, my father has written AS (Asta Strömberg) on models from B431 to B524. After that, he has written GN (Gunnar Nylund) on all vases B601 to B642. But I think even B535 is a model of Gunnar Nylund. It has a similar style and thickness as B607 and B608, which according to my father's notes are models of Nylund.

    The design are from Nylund's early years at Strömbergshyttan 1952-54. B535 probably from 1952 and perhaps the first he designed for the factory? It's vase models in thinner glass than most previous models of Gerda and Asta Stromberg. Nylund also continued the tradition with the thicker glass, but with more modern round shapes typical for the 1950s. The models B607 and 608 were often provided with cut patterns, B607 had mostly pattern number P63 and B608 pattern numbers P54 or P60. Even those designed by Gunnar Nylund.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Wonderful post, rebessin. Thanks again for sharing your amazing collection!
    2. rebessin rebessin, 11 years ago
      Thanks vetraio and all lovers! I think these early models of Nylund is fairly unknown to most people. And I hope they'll give a more balanced and fair presentation of his work at Strömbergshyttan.
    3. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Such simple and beautiful designs!!!! I would hav never thought of them as Strömbergshyttan (but, of course, I've said thesame of other Nylund's designs) I love them all!
    4. rebessin rebessin, 11 years ago
      Thanks austro! I love them too. Thin glass models are not so common from Strömbergshyttan, and these and a few others, really stands out from the rest of the range.
    5. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Would love to find some of these! :)
    6. cobaltcobold cobaltcobold, 11 years ago
      They are really beautiful - and very rare, it seems. I never saw them on Tradera or dealers' sites. Strömbergshyttan has a very special quality. I would like to have the right one on the first picture, please.
    7. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Hey, cobalt, that's the one I want!!! ;)
    8. cobaltcobold cobaltcobold, 11 years ago
      The other ones are beautiful, too, but this one is spectacular!
    9. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      You're right! In fact it is the same shape up to the neck but then it changes into something wonderful! :)

      There is something about all these collar vases and bowls we all seem to love... these are the ones I'm having in mind:
    10. cobaltcobold cobaltcobold, 11 years ago
      That's why I love the Gullaskruf räkskål

      Because the form here even follows function!
    11. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      LOL this is sort of "the turn of the screw" in collared glass :)
    12. vlkma238412 vlkma238412, 11 years ago
      love these , great shapes and the collar one is superb
    13. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 11 years ago
      Jätte vackra! Very beautiful in Swedish :-)
    14. Mikael, 10 years ago
      I recently discovered these and have been able to find 3 pieces in less than a year. Engraved with P54 and P63 and a third pattern that I dont know the name of.

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