Posted 11 years ago
(5053 items)
These were given to me by the owner of a new antique store in the town where i grew up. They are mixed metal symbols on black velvet w/ silver brocade. I believe the skull/crossbones piece is some kind of an apron, and the other piece is a black velvet sash. I know virtually nothing about Masons and other secretive men's clubs, but i'm ready to learn. so please chime in and let us know what these items are. thanks!
The nine point star is masonic "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES" translation "in this sign you will conquer"
Appears on the Knight Templar Cross in the York Rite branch of Freemasonry
thank you walksoftly. so, Knight Templar is masonic? i'll look up the york rite branch and see what i can find.
That info was from Wikipedia.
I would love to see an old photo of the guys wearing the skull & cross bones apron!
I should have looked first before posting my last comment, check this link;
that's great stuff walksoftly! those are exactly like mine. the antique store had many of them - some w/ what looked like solid gold and silver pieces on them. mine has one piece which tests as gold - part of it.
if anyone is interested, i would be happy to share info on the antique store - it's an excellent store in new hampshire. i got so many great deals there and these were actually gifted to me!
Free gold, that's pretty sweet!
Yes it certainly is!