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Close-Ups of Four Bohemian Baskets

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (150 items)

    I just thought to show close-up photos of these Bohemian baskets. I am particularly fond of the first two. Please click on the individual photos to get a better look. The close-ups are sort of like modern paintings.

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    1. inky inky, 11 years ago
      Fabulous photos VioletOrange!...:-)
    2. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 11 years ago
      Thanks inky. Maybe in actuality it is not so difficult to make these pieces but when I see these close-ups I marvel at the complexity and artistry involved in creating them.
    3. inky inky, 11 years ago
      I marvel at the artistry of each and everyone so! fragile and some so complex and intricate.... and all delicate..lovely....:-)
    4. scottvez scottvez, 11 years ago
      BEAUTIFUL baskets!

    5. Aimathena Aimathena, 11 years ago
      They're very beautiful. Not only are they eye can't but the closeups make them look like actual candy. Last photo to the right looks like peach slices.
    6. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 11 years ago
      inky, scottvez, aimathena Thanks all
    7. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 11 years ago
      LeahGoodwin, Thanks for the information. I enjoyed reading your post on baskets.
      If you still would like some photos of baskets, I have a few. Here is one, along with a "companion" bowl, that I like very much. It is 10 inches tall by 8 inches wide and has a ground pontil. Not sure of the maker but the feet and thorn handle points me toward Czech/Bohemian.
    8. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 11 years ago

      I have nine baskets. I think they are all Czech/Bohemian. Here is a link to all, including the four whose close-ups are shown above,
    9. knight-ritter, 11 years ago
      Leah! Now we're cooking! Ernest has posted the tomato/ketchup combo I've mentioned to you... I have 3 or 4 of the crystal handled crested baskets of varying shapes and sizes and a great JIP vase with crystal appliqué acanthus leaf... Unfortunately, while I brought up your links no problem, could not bring up Ernest's 9 piece link (hi, Ernest! Sorry to reference U so much, and I don't know
      U... :-)..) Anyways, people on eBay constantly trip me out naming this Sandwich glass... In the early 2ooos, I purposely visited Sandwich Glass Museum to check this out... Nothing on display, nothing in catalogues or other resources, and I discussed this with mid-level museum personnel (not curator, but not docents either)... Besides that, once you get a good sense of style, shape, colors, one realized this is nothing at all like Sandwich products... I agree, Leah, I think also it reflects production from 1890s, although you are willing to push it further? ... ;-) to me, I have thought all along that the ketchup/mustard combo is an early forerunner of the bright, wild, flashy colors of the 1920/30s ... Like the other 3 baskets in the 4 basket posting... p.s. In the early 1990s, I saw in the Strong Museum in Rochester, NY, a k/m basket and they did have it labelled Bohemian... Based on what, I don't know... Has anyone ACTUALLY SEEN these in Harrach or Passau Museums, etc.
      Boy, would love to hear more from Leland Marple on this too...
    10. yesterdaysglass yesterdaysglass, 11 years ago
      Hi, basket 3 is Welz Vertical Stripes. Another examples can be seen in the link below. I believe the 2nd is welz also, it fits into their "victorian deco" line, at least that is what I call it :).
      Here's a few other pieces of their "victorian deco" listed here.
      Both shapes can also be found in tango and in many spatter combos that Welz was known to use on a pretty regular basis. The baskets are often found with a "grainy", ground but unpolished pontil..... Pontil work seen often on welz baskets. The only marked examples I've seen all carry a "Made in Czechoslovakia" mark, also commonly seen on Welz production.
    11. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 11 years ago
      thank you yesterdayglass
    12. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      Love the examples...and great pics Ernie!!!
    13. Windwalker, 9 years ago
      Talk about a storm of color ...very nice..
    14. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 9 years ago
      Thanks Windwalker

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