Posted 11 years ago
(3477 items)
A 8" fan and I am thinking it late 1940s. It has a cast iron base like a 1930s fan and cage design like a 1950s fan. The motor housing is pressed steel. This is another of the dime store/drug store fans. Also although I am not sure this may be a Bersted item. There is a serial number on the underside of the base but not city of manufacture listed.
I am now thinking this is late 1930s or 40s due to the pan style motor housing.
BEEFY!! Love it!
Thank you tom61375, it is rather solid.
Thank you officialfuel.
Thank you EJW-54.
Thank you blunderbuss2.
Thank you gargoyle collector.
Thank you Aimathena.
Thank you packrat-place.
Once more thank you again catteann.
I have a 16 inch like that and it is an Bersted from the late 1930s.
Thank you very much wiskeylizard. I will have to amend the description to 1930s. Apparently this is from the United Drug Company which became Rexall. But they just sold them. Had a feeling the hand of Al Berstad was behind this.
Does yours oscillate? This one is only an 8" fan.
No is doesn't, its a stationary model.
Thank you Nicefice.
Thank you brunswick.