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Loetz Candia Silberis Diaspora Vase Ruffled Rim Vase 1902? "Loetz" Kitty

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Popular Loetz Art Glass44 of 2298Loetz Phänomen Genre 2/207 circa 1902Galvanic Silver Overlay on Antique Art Glass - Bohemian & American
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (765 items)

    This is one of the last of a series of 4 Loetz's I traded Jewelry for as a Christmas present to myself. This was carefully watched, attended and tasted by "Loetz" the male macho Kitten (Mooniejr's Kitten). Loetz is 4 months old this month. His sister is named Kralik :) They were rescued on the streets of LA. There mother was wild and on the streets for 4 years.....
    This Diaspora Loetz has one of my favourite rims that I could not pass up. This beauty stands 5 inches tall and I love the décor and shape!

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    1. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      decoartglass, many thanks for being so fast to love!
    2. toracat toracat, 11 years ago
      Cat's eyes match the vase! Beautiful!
    3. mikelv85 mikelv85, 11 years ago
      Awww Loetz is so cute Moon. Don't know about tasting the vase though. I think I would have had a heart I have yet to see anything like you have when I'm out and about. Your collection always amazes me ! -Mike-
    4. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      Don, Loetz does have golden eyes. Xoxo
    5. Aimathena Aimathena, 11 years ago
      I was thinking the same exact thing as Mike. so scary. glad loetz didn't chomp down LoL Can tell you sure do love your kitty. Both are very pretty Lee.
    6. Windwalker, 11 years ago
      cute ....
    7. DrFluffy DrFluffy, 11 years ago
      OMG... What a great post... I love the vase and LOVE the kitty...
    8. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      Mike, I know what you mean about scary...I taking pictures and I saw him biting down..and freaked out! He was not upset ...but stayed laying down...LOL. I feel blessed to get the vases...
    9. LoetzBuddies LoetzBuddies, 11 years ago
      MOON : what Phanomen Genre do you think kitty is ? maybe PG104 ?
    10. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      LoetzBuddies, my dream would be to even own a PG in glass :)) But the kitty is an unknown ..undiscovered PG that needs more research must tell me what you come up with! You are the expert on PG's!
    11. vintagejewel vintagejewel, 11 years ago
      Such cute Pictures ! Much love to the kitties!
    12. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      aimathena, I was thinking the same thing...thank goodness he is a kitten! XOXOX
    13. toolate2 toolate2, 11 years ago
      Cats and glassware! Only on CW... Beautiful piece!
    14. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 11 years ago
      Beautiful vase, and beautiful kitten!!
    15. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      Nadia, thank you
    16. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      toolate2, many thanks and yes CW is amazing!
    17. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      Val, Ty my friend. Xoxoxo
    18. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      Project_Harrach, many thanks
    19. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 11 years ago
      Hi Moonstone .
      Aww i adore the cat & the story of how you got them.
      The vase is nice too:)
    20. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      Vintagefran, many thanks ...we love them tooo
    21. Shawnl86 Shawnl86, 11 years ago
      What a Cute Kitty! I love the Tiger Stripes! Nice vase too :)
    22. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      Shawn, many thanks on kitty and vase! I love your collection also... :)
    23. Budek Budek, 11 years ago
      What a beautiful kitty!
      and what a beautiful vase!
    24. lundy lundy, 11 years ago
      hi , cool
    25. Printsid Printsid, 11 years ago
      I love kittens/cats too. I saved a kitten trying to get to her mother that had been run over by a vehicle in front of me on a highly driven Highway in Mississippi and saved another from the wall in my past business, years earlier, right down the road where I'd found the kitten that I mentioned first. When the wall kitten (Kit) we figure came accrossed coyotes around our place in Louisiana, I gave alot of attention to (Tigg'r) the kitten I saved from the highway. About 6 months later, my son found Tigg'r caught & trapped in between branches of a tree by our driveway and I rushed her to our Vet, she passed about 12 hours later and I was very upset. I went by the dog pound/humane society in MS to look for another kitten, they weren't open yet, but they let me see the kittens just dropped off that day (long haired Calico kittens). I picked one and we named her Duchess. We have made sure that She doesn't go outside and she is loved like all of our animals (in the house and outside). We have 4 Poms, 1 shitzu, 1 mixed breed (a person on our same road, moved, and left their dog here, so she came by here & been here ever since), 1 Chihuahua (that i saved also, I was in the country looking at an antique store & there was a man chasing this puppy "that I now call Midnight" with a baseball bat swinging it at his head, I had to put myself into the situation and save the puppy), 2 Ferrets, & 1 cat "Duchess", and a Chocolate lab outside. also, We did have a Great Pyranese, But figure someone took him. and Yes I love the vase as well.. :)
    26. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      Kitty *Be Careful*.....I love CATS too!!

      .....and of course YOUR glass !!!!
    27. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      antiquerose, XOXOXOXO kitties are great!! Glass is safe!
    28. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      Anne, many thanks!!
    29. LauraH LauraH, 10 years ago
      Love the vase, adore the cat!!
    30. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 9 years ago
      LaurelH, thank you. Thank you.
    31. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 9 years ago
      Sean, many thanks
    32. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 9 years ago
      Good news. They cannot "eat" glass. Bad news. They are very creative with what they can do with it.
      Good news. 14 years with a feral rescue kitten and a couple thousand in damages including broken bones (mine), he is priceless. :)
      Tip: Put it in a vault. :):)

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