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Blaupunkt Radio

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Wood Radios39 of 122American Bosch 515 Circa 1935Rare Paramount Pee Wee Cathedral Tube Radio
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (2 items)

    I bought this one in Marion Ohio at a antique shop. Im thinking i should start a collection but man, they're expensive! I just find items on this journey, guess im eclectic... nothing in my home matches. I thought this radio was cool. Now that im older, i want to know more about what i buy.

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    1. gusmanthecat gusmanthecat, 11 years ago
      Awesome German technology for the day. Looks in great condition. Is it a 'Sultan' ? In working condition these tend to go for 200 low end 400 high end (pristine). I'm jealous........
    2. rs4734, 8 years ago
      Asking for schematic help with Blaupunkt console radio speaker crossover system to get speakers reconnected properly. All I have is the radio chassis, an old phonograph and a mangled mess of wires for the speakers. It looks like the speakers were ripped out of the cabinet without regard for the connections. The radio works great (after days of cleaning up all the chassis electronics) but the one or two speakers which were still connected is all I had to be able to hear anything. If needed I can upload all numbers from the unit and pictures.

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