charmsomeone » collections



Toronto, Ont, Canada


  1. Kwqd about 8 inches long.
  2. John2Nhoj Thank you for the information.
  3. Vetraio50 Thanks.
  4. Can we ban this person already?
  5. Oh look a scammer!
  6. Scam reported!
  7. mp.kunst thanks for the information.
  8. Watchsearcher the coat will be very good for these Canadian winter's.
  9. Thank you for the information.
  10. Thanks when I got this I also picked up some world war two boots and a few belts.
  11. Thanks jscott0363
  12. Thank you for the information.
  13. yougottahavestuff you can call them that yep.
  14. Vynil33rpm the paintings are ones I did years ago. Abstract style.
  15. H = 7 inches.
  16. dav2no1 thank you for the information.
  17. Thank you fortapache.
  18. dav2no1 thank you for the info.
  19. Vetraio50 thank you for the information.
  20. Watchsearcher yes the legs are adjustable.
  21. AnythingObscure I think these radios were made from 82 to 86 80s styles!
  22. AnythingObscure yes the same company. Would love a working water fountain. Do you have one?
  23. Yes blast from the past space age styles.
  24. Watchsearcher thanks glad you like it.
  25. Thanks for the info.
  26. AnythingObscure using one of these in the winter is a true workout. LOL
  27. AnythingObscure LoL. I would have taken it home with me if it was a full sign.
  28. Watchsearcher I showed this to my cousin who is 26 years old and she had no clue to what it was. LOL.
  29. Thanks Vynil33rpm
  30. It says something inside of the shade but can not make it out.
  31. AnythingObscure just a standard light bulb.
  32. AnythingObscure thank you for the info.
  33. No need for the sarcasm!
  34. Thank you for the information.
  35. AnythingObscure I posted another photo showing the metal plate that is on the cart.
  36. Thank you for the information billretirecoll.
  37. dav2no1 thanks for the information. Will take a look.
  38. dav2no1 Thank you for the information.
  39. Neat. Does it work?
  40. Dav2no1 no the cup is not attached to the tray.
  41. Thank you Trey.
  42. AnythingObscure yes they are very cool lamps.
  43. Sconce.
  44. Watchsearcher unfortunately getting a leather cushion made in Toronto is very expensive.
  45. Tray the woman who bought it from me was going to get a replacement strap
  46. Thank you for the information.
  47. Thank you Watchsearcher.
  48. Phil DMorris thank you for the information.
  49. AnythingObscure Thank you for the information. Might use it for a rack to dry wet socks. LOL just kidding. Maybe for display on the shelf
  50. Thank you Vynil33rpm.
  51. See more


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