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Tiny little Chinese Jiao Tai Kiln Porcelain Bowl.

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (5053 items)

    I purchased this on Ebay. it's unmarked, but i really like the glaze pattern, color and shape of this tiny piece. it's under 4" across and about 1.25" tall. It might be new, although it doesn't look like it.

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    1. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 11 years ago
      after inspecting it a little more, i think it may be old after all. 'Jiao Tai' means 'charming attitude'.
    2. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 8 years ago
      I had this looked over by some well-known experts and they agreed that this piece is around one thousand years old.
    3. Pickaboo Pickaboo, 8 years ago
      Just a great find! That would make even my rice taste good :)
    4. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Really a great little bowl/cup.
      One thousand years old!!! Absolutely fabulous! And looking so fresh, it must have been treasured :-)
    5. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 8 years ago
      Haha! Thanks Pickaboo and kyra!
    6. apostata apostata, 4 years ago
      well done this is very good stuff
    7. apostata apostata, 8 months ago
      i still believe its good stuff but i don,t believe 1000 years old , seen it somewhere but i forget
    8. apostata apostata, 8 months ago
      is this a Song corrosion really ?

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