Posted 11 years ago
(5053 items)
I purchased this on Ebay. it's unmarked, but i really like the glaze pattern, color and shape of this tiny piece. it's under 4" across and about 1.25" tall. It might be new, although it doesn't look like it.
after inspecting it a little more, i think it may be old after all. 'Jiao Tai' means 'charming attitude'.
I had this looked over by some well-known experts and they agreed that this piece is around one thousand years old.
Just a great find! That would make even my rice taste good :)
Really a great little bowl/cup.
One thousand years old!!! Absolutely fabulous! And looking so fresh, it must have been treasured :-)
Haha! Thanks Pickaboo and kyra!
well done this is very good stuff
i still believe its good stuff but i don,t believe 1000 years old , seen it somewhere but i forget
is this a Song corrosion really ?