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My Beatles Yellow Submarine Lunchbox

In Music Memorabilia > Beatles Memorabilia > Show & Tell and Kitchen > Lunch Boxes and Thermoses > Show & Tell.
Beatles Memorabilia337 of 359BEATLES POSTERSThe Beatles Booklet from England, front and back cover shown.
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (10 items)

    I've had this lunch box since I was in grade school. carried it to School for a few years... saved it along with all my other Beatle stuff. I DID have the thermus and it was Never even used... but sold it in 1998 to pay for an opperation for my horse. Still have the horse! He'll be 35 years old in May! Oh well, glad I had it when I did... and SURE glad I didn't have to sell my darn lunchbox! :-) love Love LOVE... this site!

    Beatles Memorabilia
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     THE BEATLES * YELLOW SUBMARINE * Vintage U.S. Postage Stamp Mint
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     THE BEATLES * YELLOW SUBMARINE * Vintage U.S. Postage Stamp Mint
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    1. Boxlunchkiller Boxlunchkiller, 14 years ago
      WOW!! This is in amazing shape!!! I have the same box but mine is'nt in as good a shape. It's still a must for anyone collecting metal lunchboxes. Gotta love the beatles!!!!
    2. mysharona mysharona, 14 years ago
      Thanks Boxlunchkiller! I gotta agree.... Gotta love the Beatles! :-)
    3. clinton mccomb, 14 years ago
      I have the same lunch box, I would say it is in good condition, any idea of price that they are going for. Thank You
    4. mysharona mysharona, 14 years ago
      clinton Mccomb - I sold the themos (sp) for $350.00 in 1998 to a collector. he offered me $500.00 for the lunchbox. I needed $$ to get an operation for my horse so I sold it... but kept the lunchbox because I had enough money after that. otherwise, I wouldn't have even have sold anything Beatle. no idea if it's worth the same now or more. ? but mine is NOT going anywhere! :-)
    5. cocacolakid97 cocacolakid97, 14 years ago
      That's gotta be worth some bucks! I LOVE THE BEATLES
    6. mysharona mysharona, 14 years ago
      Thanks cocacolakid97 it's my fav Beatle item cuz I carried it to school every day.

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