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Holt, Michigan

I am a young, avid collector. I'm still learning, and I hope through this site, I can gain more knowledge about antiques and coca cola collectibles. I have a small cI am a young, avid collector. I'm still learning, and I hope through this site, I can gain more knowledge about antiques and coca cola collectibles. I have a small coke collection now, but by the end of summer, I should have more stuff flowing to the rafters. Lots of People have helped me on this site, like Ray, tikiray, earlycoke, and many other helpful collectors. I hope to become a very smart collector, like Ray or earlycoke, but right now, I just get all my information from the internet or by just using past knowledge. (Read more)


  1. @blunderbuss2 Pics taken with an iPhone 4 @Daddy_Nobucks These are Antique Mall finds, but I found these in Ohio. I also found a 1931 Coca Cola tray with the kid's face scratched, but I bought it bec...
  2. Nope. Original flare. No chips either.
  3. Tardy to the party, but I do not believe the "Fountain Lunch" sign is a repop. The images aren't the best, but from what I can see, the font looks correct and period. The reproductions, that I think a...
  4. I know very little on mini jugs, but I'd guess this is from the late 1890's-early 1900's. Very nice lettering on it.
  5. The Coca-Cola gods have smiled upon you.
  6. The Toledo straight side is probably the most valuable/rare in your group. It looks just like the stock, pre-1910 slug plates you see from almost every town that had a modest Coke bottling company. I ...
  7. Looks great!
  8. These were made in the 1920's for, like Ray said, to test the syrup in coca cola. The "C" in the circle from what I know definately means coca-cola. These were patented and made specificly for the use...
  9. would you mind posting a pic of the bottle cap?
  10. *manufacturer
  11. What's the manufactorer?
  12. Actually Spriteboy, it's a pretty nice cooler. It's one of the first picnic coolers Coca-Cola offered, before all the "Action" coolers came out. But, sadly, it is worth $50 -$75, $100 if that. It's no...
  13. I actually think this is a manufactorer's plate for a machine that powered the bowling alley, sometime between 1911 and 1912. It's really cool, and a nice piece of bowling history.
  14. I've always wondered how you developed your great sense of humor, Ray...
  15. No, it just looks simular to a door push, it's definately an opener.
  16. It almost looks porcelain, like a small door push. my guess is late 30's or early 40's. Almost looks like a fantasy piece... ALMOST.
  17. Are you sure that isn't porcelain? Those look like schips and not dents.
  18. That's a cool flavor bottle from a more unusual place. If it was a hobbleskirt bottle, it would be worth alot more, because hobbleskirt coca cola bottles from unusual or rare towns can fetch high pric...
  19. Wow, this is very similar to my sign, same hole placement and everything. My guess is it was made around the same time by the same sign manufactoring company.
  20. This is my opinion: I can see from the glare the printing is very heavy and that the coca cola white logo stands out in the glare. The "Litho in U.S.A." and "Copyright 1949 Coca-Cola Company" is stro...
  21. I think this was cut off a bigger sign that had a six pack on it.
  22. When you do that Ray, I'll give you $20 bucks for it. ;)
  23. I love your photography.
  24. There are varitaions of amber arrow bottles, like circular and vertical arrow bottles. Usually, in your case, vertical arrows have two. Circular arrows have only one around the coca-cola logo.
  25. Nice, that one is a rare one. Any amber N.Y. bottles are pretty desirable and/ or hard to find. Since it's buffalo and not some honky tonk little town, it would be a little less desirable then most N....
  26. I've got the same thing, box and all, except the opener is in a little crappier shape. Nice find.
  27. Are you sure the amber hobbleskirt is a experimental bottle? Usually, an amber hobbleskirt raises a red flag. It means the bottle has been artificially colored that way from sitting in the sun too lon...
  28. Nice, that looks like a nice early 1930's wrigley's porcelain sign. Wouldn't be suprised if you've been offered more the 450-500.
  29. Well, all I can tell you is that the marking on the bottom indicates "Owens Glass Works", he made the very first automatic bottle making machine, so this bottle must date between the late 20's - mid 1...
  30. The american restoration folks would be proud...
  31. Thank you vanskyock24 and cwork.
  32. I would buy it for $25.
  33. If there's two things I know about you trev, it's that you like Flanges, and pushbars. Nice find.
  34. I wouldn't have left this either, chevy59.
  35. Man, I wish it was done when I was over. Looks really nice!
  36. I think this is a vendor's carrier, am I wrong?
  37. Well, it's in block letters so it was probably a flavor drink. It's hard to tell, but from the pictures I think that this bottle is ABM (automatic bottle making machine), so it's from around 1910-1920...
  38. The colors are very vibrant!
  39. Judging by the bottle... I'd say late 1960's, to the 1970's. 198o's at the latest.
  40. Nice find.
  41. Really looks nice!
  42. Cool, you can email me some pics (if you find 'em), I think you have my email.
  43. I'm sorry to tell you this earlycoke, but I think it's a reproduction... AH! Just kidding, I was trying to pull a vanskyock, this is a great tray, and such great color as well.
  44. My guess is the late 1970's-Early 1980's.
  45. Naw, you guys are wrong. If it was 1970's, it would have a dynamic ribbon logo, this particular style of font with the word "drink" means it's probably pre-1964-65, but my guess would be late 1950's, ...
  46. Actuallly, her name is "Lillian Nordica" She was the equvilent to Ke$ha in the early 1900's (except with more talent, lol). She was a famous opera singer and coca-cola hired her to do various ads for ...
  47. Sorry, dave, I hope you didn't pay a fortune for this...
  48. Thank you very much signaholic!
  49. maybe it's the first kind of plastic bottle, i don't know, but the carton design looks like it is from the 1970's, i'll have to do research
  50. Then it's in the wrong carton, because those are definatly plastic, they never made a hardplastic bottle like that, besides, it has a metal cap...
  51. See more


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