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Fake Porcelain Coca-Cola Signs

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Coke Signs896 of 11231940's Coca-Cola 9" Round Celluloid Sign New(ish) Coca-Cola Sign
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (148 items)

    Must be Friday because I have a cool sign to show you. A nice little porcelain job marked "Bierman Signs 1927 Los Angeles, Chicago, St. Louis". If you recall, the auction listing had very poor quality pictures. I had reservations about purchasing, based on my research of similar signs which had qualities indicating reproduction. I used my usual tactic of negotiating a buy it now price rather than get caught up in a bidding war (this practice often yields sweet fruit... and the occasional rotten apple!). After putting this thing under the magnifying glass, I'm nearly satisfied it's authentic. The color, script, and aging of the painted side is very much like my tin arrow from same period. The maker's detail on the back of the sign I believe was originally red print (still some visible) but has faded to a light black color.

    Awright Guys, need your stamps of approval. As always I welcome all comments, critiques, insight, and info. Thanks.


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    1. pickrknows pickrknows, 13 years ago
      Saw this one as well Dave, was'nt sure about it! Is it heavy ? porcelain? It looks better in your pictures, looks like you scored!! Nice sign!
    2. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      Hi Bernie. Yes, it's heavy and porcelain. Seems right to me. And the guy I purchased it from really felt it was something special. I can't find it in Petretti's 12th, but I believe one of the CW gang said it's in the 11th. I'm happy with it. I always feel better when you guys validate, still not 100% sure of myself. Thanks for the kind words. Hope you have a good weekend!
    3. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      OK thanks. How can you tell?
    4. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      That's COLD Ray! You need to change your name to KingSizeIceColdCoke. Come on, lay it on me, are you kidding or just pulling punches? I had concerns about this buy until I opened the package and saw this beauty. But I have a case open on the Seller because it took a month to deliver. I haven't closed it yet, was just getting ready to. I know you know a lot about these signs. Is it The Real Thing????
    5. OldPop, 13 years ago
      I agree with KingSize
    6. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      Dave, I have to side with Ray here. The trademark positioning and that top "Drink" kinda gives it all away. Sorry Buddy! You don't how bad I wanted it to be better for ya man. The trademark position is a little too far to the right and not centered over the tear of the long "C". Just doesn't look like anything in the book.
    7. OldPop, 13 years ago
      Poor quality pictures almost always means someone is trying to hide something...they like to get someone to bite and get them "on the line and reel em in" for something that is anything but REAL
    8. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      I think the main thing that threw me was that a few weekends ago we were out pickin and saw a guys place that had 2 of these hanging outside and I thought about you showin this one. His were very fried and destroyed but you could still read them. I don't know why he was letting them get that bad but he wouldn't let me in his barn, to see the rest of his signs. Think he's hiding the good stuff.
    9. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      Thanks again Ray, Perry, OldPop.
    10. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      True, I've never seen that stencil stamping either.
    11. tommy1002 tommy1002, 13 years ago
      Dave, I agree with Perry and Ray, that whole font on "DRINK" is tell tale. I got bit on that too. I also checked Pet's 11 and the only one I saw close is a 1930's , 5 3/4" X 17 3/4" made by Dasco. Sorry man!!
    12. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      Hey Tommy! Thanks for stopping by. Appreciate your comments. This is all good stuff to know. The sign is going back. Boy, collecting Coca-Cola signs sure ain't boring!
    13. OldPop, 13 years ago
      DN, how much did that seller hit you for on this sign?
    14. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      300 delivered.
    15. tommy1002 tommy1002, 13 years ago
      It ain't boring and it sure ain't easy, lol!!! I haven't seen a decent Coke sign around my neck of the woods in a long time, and it seems the ones on feebay keep going for more and more. Did you see that C-C match striker piece go for $1200??
    16. OldPop, 13 years ago
      good luck on the refund...we've all been there!...goes with the territory!
    17. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      For sure Dave! I keep my books very close when buying online or in person. While not everything is in the books, I bought my Marching Bottles 1937 sign from an antique store for $375 after making 3 trips over to re-inspect the thing,,,lol. Boy, taking a camera over the first time, would've been alot easier huh?
    18. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      I did see that one Tommy and the buttons are going for insane money too. More than I'm willing to give. I have a budget and it has to meet those numbers first. Then I have to find a place for it, what am I sayin? There's always room for Coca Cola!
    19. pickrknows pickrknows, 13 years ago
      I still "love "it Dave, it's a "lesson learned" sign!!
    20. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      I did try to cancel this transaction twice. The day after I purchased it, then 3 wks later after I found out Seller hadn't shipped it yet ("problem at the post office"). The guy just wouldn't hear of it. That should have been my first clue. Any business person knows, courtesy goes to the buyer, always. Yes, lesson learned, for sure.
    21. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      Hey Dave this is the only pic I could find of one like Ray was talking about.
      Yellow border, sorry bout the crap pic but basically the sign you were tryin to get.
    22. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      ok, that didn't work.
    23. cocacolakid97 cocacolakid97, 13 years ago
      Sorry, dave, I hope you didn't pay a fortune for this...
    24. Esther110 Esther110, 13 years ago
      This is why I've stopped buying from ebay. For one, they don't back the buyers anymore...they back their sellers, who are the ones that pay their fees anyways, I guess...
      Second reason is that as a vintage-antique-previoulsy owned-whatever...collector, I need to touch the item. Sometimes just holding an item tells you more than the seller wants you to know. No amount of pictures can duplicate the information you get from running your fingers across a porcelain face (in my case, dolls) or a certain fabric, or the weight and chippyness of a sign.
      Sorry it turned out wrong, hope you get your money back, including shipping to and from the seller.
    25. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      Thanks everybody for your comments.

      Ray, Thanks for the additional info. I had no doubt it was a repro/fake once I realized you were serious. At work we call guys like you "gurus"! ; )

      cckid, I'll get my money back, no worries.

      Hi Esther, I agree it would be nice to see these items in person and hold them. Once received, this one looked pretty good to me, felt good in my hands. It's a damn fine repro! :) There's no making up for lack of experience and knowledge, which is where I'm at. But I'm actually quite happy to know it's a fake. I'm most grateful to have found this place to spend a few minutes daily enjoying with other collectors, who are honest and forthright and just downright interesting characters!
    26. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      Received a full refund this morning! Thanks to Ray and Blaine for providing expert assessment. After proving it was a fake, I had to destroy the sign as part of the process, which was good "hammer therapy". Getting my money back completes restitution. Thanks to everybody who helped me understand why this thing wasn't right. I'm a better collector for the experience, having learned a tough lesson. Thanks too to CW for providing the forum.

    27. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      Seller called me yesterday after he was notified by PayPal that they refunded my purchase. He was not happy and wanted to know when he would receive his sign back. I had to break the news to him that PayPal required me to destroy it. (Bet he wishes he hadn't sent it after I tried to cancel TWICE, then he refused to honor his return policy and forced me to go through PayPal). Well, he sent a very nasty text message to me basically threatening legal action and ruin of my reputation as a buyer. What a piece of work! Sells me a fake sign, refuses to cancel twice before it ships, it takes a month to deliver, he refuses return, forces me to jump through hoops to get justice, then has the nerve to send threats! Calgon, take me away!!!!!
    28. PopCulture PopCulture, 13 years ago
      What color is the sky in that guys world!!
    29. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      Coca-Cola Blue!
    30. Coke1234 Coke1234, 10 years ago
      Another sign to watch out for.
    31. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 10 years ago
      Yep. One of my more memorable transactions. What a saga.
    32. kerry10456 kerry10456, 10 years ago
      LOL... love the "destroy" aspect ..... great info also on spotting "Fakes", Thanks for heads-up Daddy
    33. Coke1234 Coke1234, 10 years ago
      Ebay has got a ton of fake stuff being sold from India and they don't care. If I could only contact the buyers and tell them.
    34. kerry10456 kerry10456, 10 years ago
      Understand completely......I'll add a "Beware" post on a Coca-Cola" watch, truly a fake and even found in a collectors book listed as real.....maybe with the postings between you and several others, might save so grief
    35. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      learning a lot today ! wow so much to know Thanks :-)
    36. Lucas, 9 years ago
      Come on. It's let the buyer be ware. If you don't do you homework you'll get squashed. More important the idea of destroying the item is crazy. I just can't believe that PayPal would order the item destroyed. Papal has no right to do this and is up for a law suit if they did. Judge, jury and executioner? I think not. Frankly I don't believe it.
    37. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      It might have changed, but certain items are either kept by the buyer, destroyed, or just returned to seller when a refund is necessary for a fake item or one not as described.
      Also, Lucas, this post is 4 years old.
    38. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 9 years ago
      True story. I had to submit a signed affidavit confirming the item had been destroyed. Thankfully "let the buyer beware" isn't a pillar of successful business practice (try this one on for size: "The customer is always right."). eBay and PayPal stand behind buyers victimized by unscrupulous sellers, as they should. This policy is spelled out in PayPal terms and conditions:

      “If you lose a Significantly Not as Described Claim because the item you sold is counterfeit, you will be required to provide a full refund to the buyer and you will not receive the item back (it may be destroyed). All decisions are at PayPal’s discretion and are final based on any criteria PayPal deems appropriate“.
    39. scottvez scottvez, 9 years ago
      Thanks for sharing/ educating.

      Agree: "Customer is right" attitude is a pillar of a SUCCESSFUL business.

      While I do have many ebay/ paypal complaints-- their "buyer protection" program is not one of them-- buyer protection is fantastic!

    40. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 9 years ago
      Yeah scottv, I wish eBay would do something to stop the fake porcelain signs from India. These are starting to show up from U.S. sellers, watched one go for over 400 recently. Hard to take. In the old days, you could contact bidders and warn them.
    41. kerry10456 kerry10456, 9 years ago
      This sort of crap....excuse my term in all fields of "Collectables". It's sad and really trips my trigger to see these and others of like kind, hitting market place with the intent to deceive the buyer. This post is older...yes.... but still relevant today as much as when posted......Thanks Daddy_Nobucks for this informative posting
    42. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 9 years ago
      yessir kerry I've seen some of your fake watch postings, also very informative. Good to hear from you. We'll keep up the good fight.
    43. Coke1234 Coke1234, 9 years ago
      I ran a listing on EBay about fake signs . One guy bid on my free information. I explained it was free and nothing to buy. I refunded the $1.04 to the buyer and he left me negative feedback. I have emailed the person 6 times no response. Today there are many fake signs on eBay. I don't list anymore or buy on eBay.
    44. scottvez scottvez, 9 years ago
      The buyer on your ebay listing was probably a seller of fake signs-- didn't want the information out there as it hurt their business. And they were able to ding you with a negative!

    45. Coke1234 Coke1234, 9 years ago
      Scottvez ....yes that was a concern I had before listing the information. The buyer was not selling any Coke stuff. He was a buyer only on eBay. The buyer hasn't used eBay very much and seems to be a novice. There is another person listing info on fake Coke signs right now on eBay.
    46. scottvez scottvez, 9 years ago
      Maybe a new handle just created to "get you"?

      I have seen others do the same thing in a variety of areas: Civil War, antique photos, etc...

      If you ever do it again, you may want to put a very high price on the item to prevent "bidder games". The ones that I have seen have had $1,000 opening bids and in the write up state words to the effect of-- if you'd like to be the owner of this FAKE, I'd be happy to sell it at the overpriced opening bid.

    47. oktreedude, 9 years ago
      A lot of reproductions coming out of INDIA and being resold or unloaded stateside. SUNRAY is 26 1\2' side to side and 27' point to point.And not the 24' x 24' being sold one after another. I heard of guy in Oklahoma trying to unload his FAKES for more than what he paid. SLEAZY
    48. njdigger, 8 years ago
      Dave-Sorry to see you get stuck on the sign. There's a seller on ebay offering about 3 dozen different porcelain signs. This stateside seller has a few neg. feedbacks- can't name as I don't want to defame but signs are on currently. I've heard about some very authentic Chinese fakes with induced age-chips, oxidation, etc. I will agree having the books handy is invaluable. These signs are very close with apparent age and wear but something seems "off" on close inspection. These are not the obvious Ande Rooney repos-something much closer to outright fraud. I'd welcome your or anyone elses thoughts on this subject. Dave
    49. oktreedude, 8 years ago
      Dave and Crew, If the " Trade Mark" on the tail of the "C" is not centered in the V shape beneath it. That is not a good sign. I noticed your sign has it centered more on the " D & E' in Trade Mark than in between Trade ^ Mark.
    50. Gulf99 Gulf99, 8 years ago
      There are so many fake signs on ebay you can't even count them. Not just Coca Cola now they make oil and gas porcelain signs. They try to make the rust look old but that can't be done to the trained eye. I've seen many people spend over $500 for these lousy reproductions. There are a few people that post about this situation on ebay but it doesn't help that much. So buyer beware especially on ebay.

    51. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 8 years ago
      Yes that's a good tip oktd, the trademark detail can definitely be a tip off.

      G99 - 6 years ago when I posted this seems quaint now. Many collectors won't even touch the porcelain signs now. It's a shame. And a sham. A sham shame! ;0)
    52. Coke1234 Coke1234, 8 years ago
      If there's a easy way to make money a few people will figure out a scam. Shill bidding is another form. Ebay motors is a prime target.
    53. boydd57 boydd57, 8 years ago
      I bought this same sign in the late 90's at a huge antique/flea market. I was very suspicious, having Petretti's current book (which didn't identify), mostly because the typography ("Drink") was so bogus. But damn, did it look good. :) I talked him down from $140 to $90. The back looks SO legit... all rusted and chipped with that spray painted name. But I knew in my gut it was fake. I only keep it to remind me never to be suckered again. And I haven't. haha. Thanks for this thread!
    54. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 8 years ago
      I felt the same way boyd, looked so good... but still not quite right. These "Bierman" versions still show up from time to time. Price tags still big too!
    55. Coke1234 Coke1234, 7 years ago
      This is a good post to keep new collectors on their toes. Buyer beware and get a collector coke guide before you spend your money.
    56. Coke1234 Coke1234, 4 years ago
      Buyer beware !!!!!

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