oktreedude » collections



  1. Thanks fortapache, what good junk you been finding and stowing away in the barn?
  2. And that 1903 house in McAlester, OK is on the market. Very reasonable
  3. Thank you everyone !!!
  4. I did not have a picture of the gate to post. GOOGLE (stolen historical Mississippi gate) but if anyone wants a house in SE OK......
  5. How do you navigate through the house without bumping your head? I sure do admire how you have your place decked out. It all looks great!
  6. Ha, I like the comments as much as the picture!
  7. Nice one! To me, the lollypop is the best sign of them all! Hey officialfuel, what would a 48' coke button in good condition bring ? I got a gentleman who wants to get rid of one. Has Coke and the b...
  8. That is a $100.00 nickel, if not more. Show it to the error collecting crowd and I'm sure they will be interested.
  9. Constructive criticizism for free. I built a bottle shelf as yours out of 1"x 6" and 1"x8" boards. After I loaded it up, it sagged slightly and within a year it sagged a lot. You MAY need a center sup...
  10. ha AAAhh ha ha ha the ole horse head in bed...
  11. Good eye and good sense not to buy until researched.
  12. So much for being a orchard heater. Thanks sologato for a definite confirmation. I have seen one and did not know what I had seen.
  13. Alan's Marble...google that and get to a very good site for marbles
  14. Nice arrangements for the collection
  15. Nice saw!! I just sold my vintage saw collection keeping only my two man MALL chainsaw.
  16. Looks better the way it is...
  17. Could be related to the Dare Stone coming from that area. Cool and worth showing an archeologist.
  18. Garage sale find? Cool bottle.
  19. Dave and Crew, If the " Trade Mark" on the tail of the "C" is not centered in the V shape beneath it. That is not a good sign. I noticed your sign has it centered more on the " D & E' in Trade Mark th...
  20. That is a nice 1948 coffee can! Nice marbles also.
  21. Rattletrap, I'm about to post something that drives both of us crazy. Check it out in a few mins.
  22. Hmmmm. I would have bought it also. I have all sorts of strange tools
  23. I love these old rusty trucks standing guard over the hillocks of southern Oklahoma or Utah or wherever. My buddy's grandma sold me a junk, scrap 1933 Chev truck that set out in the field looking so c...
  24. Looks like a reproduction of the 1896 model stove
  25. I think you need more COKE signs....After all COKE and Harley Davidson are the #1 selling signs
  26. I'm starting to get into Satsuma vases. I have learned one important thing: buy the ones of religious themes or maidens with hand maidens seem to sell quick. I use to buy and sale but now I keep the ...
  27. It is a functional conversation piece. Yes double indeedy. My wife has something like it but not in this nice condition. Looks like it would save a lot of money on electricity..
  28. Yes, my fears and my trust is as yours. We are thinning down greatly week by week and keep enough to decorate. Carry on young man
  29. Maybe it is for loping off foreskin....note the shape of the handle. Just kidding
  30. SpiritBear, You better start building a barn! As much and as quick as you dig stuff out you will need room for the future. I wish I had all that I found as a young man. Ignorance and lack of space is ...
  31. The USS ones are the older ones. People collect certain cities and I have seen them go for $99.00.
  32. OOOOOoooooo insulators
  33. Oh yea, made by Ingram Richardson PA
  34. Looks like it went with tire rack display. I like it because it is not large as the others. Check out the one I recently found. It is a great little sign to have in your collection.
  35. It is certainly better than a short handled shovel. Any of you guys ever have a boss put you to work with a short handled shovel? Means he didn't like you.
  36. Four strings which were mainly used in Jazz/Blues. I would venture 1920's. It is a keeper if it be a GIBSON.
  37. If you should run across a bottom 4 hole plate for a mid to late 1920's ESSCO T-235 I would pay handsomely. You could be the only guy on the block with 3 testicles. Because I would give my left testi ...
  38. I got one just like it for $1200. 15' 7" x 28' . I see the prices rising on WESTERN AUTO and west coast prices are higher because the store started out west in Arizona I believe. Even those born in th...
  39. It's a keeper! California pottery is still gaining a growing fan base as people learn that few of these potteries are still around. American based potters took over part of the supply line for pottery...
  40. I was researching an 3" Anheuser Busch Syrup lid for a jar which I found recently when I ran across this post. Not much on this item to be found.
  41. Good shape, double sided and in the frame is $3200. realistic price. I would venture yours would get a thousand and some change. Best to clean them with WD40 and a green scrub pad. Wipe all excess off...
  42. Any markings on the bottom? i have a Japanese piece which looks like it is made using the same technique. Tiffany also turned out some glass like this.
  43. Trey, did you ever get the large COKE sign and when are you going to share it with all your fans???
  44. A mold of some sort???? Plastics, ceramics or cookies or maybe this is what the Texans use to put that twinkle in their eyes.
  45. I believe the 'Y" sign is a slow sign for coming into the YARD of the RR. I have a cast CITY LIMITS RR sign i picked up some years ago to dig out and post one day. Buyers beware of signs coming out...
  46. A lot of reproductions coming out of INDIA and being resold or unloaded stateside. SUNRAY is 26 1\2' side to side and 27' point to point.And not the 24' x 24' being sold one after another. I heard of ...
  47. Rattletrap a bunch of reproduction signs from India are hitting the market in the states. Beware when out buying. The size will tell you the difference as the reproductions are really good. For instan...
  48. I had some like it as a young feller. Do they have a stem spoon attached to top when pulled out? Ivory ? Mine were worth $1500. -$3000. according to Antique Roadshow. Some were painted and others ha...
  49. I like Anna's style. Ha the lizard...what did your buddy look like before he started smoking?
  50. I have never seen paper label 7up. The most unusual 7up for me was an amber squat bottle 7up I found last year. Your paper label is a great find and now I know to watch for them.
  51. See more


Mystery Item-smudge pot? OLD MARBLES Pink & Gold Glass Lamp Chandelier Lamp Shades 1861 Confederate Half Dollar Coin Model Mason Jar J F Denninger c1890's beer bottle Can anyone identify this chair style?  Western Auto porcelain sign...large and in charge. Saw one of these on the 'bay yesterday for 10k. Really???


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posted 7 years ago