Posted 10 years ago
(956 items)
We've added some "new" old porcelain signs on our old Texaco Service Station at aaalakeside Storage. Yes it is getting a bit cluttered with signs but we just don't seem to be able to stop ourselves from filling up the empty spaces on the station. When we look at Pictures of old gas stations from past eras, we feel like we sort of fit in with all the old cluttered looking stations we sometimes see. Obviously there are also the very nice and clean, simple uncluttered stations in pictures as well, but they just don't seem to fit us. We hope to finally fill this Texaco Station with antique cars as Summer approaches and we get the time to clean it out and haul the vehicles over to it from our old warehouse. Sounds a lot like hard work to me, so we have put it off while we have continued the erection of new Banjo style of sign additions. When will it ever stop, asks my wife? Hmmmmm? Very good question! Don't give up on me just yet as the real fun is in the hunt and I'm not done hunting!
Every day is a new hunt!!!
Rattletrap a bunch of reproduction signs from India are hitting the market in the states. Beware when out buying. The size will tell you the difference as the reproductions are really good. For instance; The SUNRAY 24x24 which are suppose to be 27' from point to point and 26 1\2' from straight side to side.
Thx for the heads up.mwe pretty much only buy large signs at this point (6') and I have never heard of a repro on them as its too expensive and shipping is impossible. I'll watch for the repro stuff. We have a few repos in the collection but we knew what they were when we bought them and the price reflected it. Interesting that e have never heard a comment about them?
Thx for the love it