Esther110 » collections




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Now where did I put that thing? Spain

Collector of all things unusual, I always thought it would be awesome to live in the Addams' mansion! My stuff is NOT FOR SALE, and if it were, this is not the placCollector of all things unusual, I always thought it would be awesome to live in the Addams' mansion! My stuff is NOT FOR SALE, and if it were, this is not the place to do it. I enjoy many collections: dolls, hand fans, vintage jewelry, coca-cola, Avon bottles, enamelware, toys, and whatever catches my eye and wants to come home with me... I like things that have "lived" and like imagining the stories they would tell. I have many of my collections packed away, and have to rotate them to enjoy them... (Read more)


  1. Yes, Kevin, I am still in Spain. Movin on up from here, and letting the past fade into a hazey Thanks for welcoming me back, Kerry-lots-o-numbers!!! :)
  2. Good to be back, and happy to see I've been missed...even if only just a teeny tiny "whatever-happened-to-her"
  3. ya te vale, Austro!! jejeje
  4. Thank you so very much Kraai!! So a paper welder it is!!
  5. Hi Huskergal! I got it in Miami, Fl. Thanks for the likes Mammi and Thrifty! Thanks for the comment Geff!
  6. Thanks Manikin and BeauxPurdy!
  7. Thanks Lisa!!
  8. Thanks Manikin and SP!
  9. Hi Kevin! It's a long, somewhat painful story that I will keep to myself, but I am back!! Glad to have been missed!
  10. OMG!!! You leave the site for a few days...months...OK, a year...and have all this catching up to do! Thanks Scandy! Thanks for the love Manikin!
  11. Hi Auntykorks! Thanks for looking! The Marin Museum is on my "one day" list...
  12. Hello Lilly! It's been a while since I've been on this page...long, long story... :P Marisol dolls are few and far between. I've only seen another a few years back, and she was way out of my pri...
  13. I see in the first pic parts of four rosaries. The one with the Virgin Mary center looks like it would have been made with pressed rose petal beads (I have on like that somewhere). These probably turn...
  14. Lovely find. The splinter can be from anything ranging from crosses in the prayer rooms or utensils used by any of the hundreds of saints, to a piee of wood from the Holy Land. That by itself is ...
  15. I agree with Marty, the face on a doll like this would have been of much better craftmanship than it shows now. He is one cute little boy, though! Great find!
  16. Hi Mac!!! I live in Alicante, on the Mediterranean coast. Not really into Marins. I prefer Famosa and all the 50s-70s dolls from the towns of Onil and Ibi. But really, what I collect are the dolls tha...
  17. Hi Marty, I redressed them....or should I say dressed them, as I got them in old children's clothes that were not original to them. So I just looked for something in their size and dressed them. I...
  18. Have you tried a chinese consulate? Local universities, libraries or art museums? If they can't help you directly they may point you in the right direction.
  19. Cinnamomma, she is def not Chatty Cathy. But thanks for the input and the like! ;) Thanks for the love TSA!!
  20. Wow!! Thank your friend for sharing with us!!
  21. This episode was awesome!! I remember watching I Love Lucy with my Abuela Esther. Her English was like Ricky Ricardo's...but Lucy's comedy was pure genius!! I don't do Barbies in my doll collecting,...
  22. Love his smirk!! Thanks for sharing!!
  23. Hey toolate!! if you take it to a sushi restaurant here you won't get much...most of them are run by lol
  24. Look up the japanese embassy or consulate near you. Call them, tell them about your book. They will probably either make an appointment for you to visit them or send someone out.
  25. Thanks Manikin!!
  26. Thanks Hedge and Reis!!
  27. Thanks for the love and the comment, Reis!
  28. Oh Fruit Stripe gum!!! Yummy yummy!!! Great story, Youngblood...poor mouse!
  29. Someone's having a jug party today!! If only I could get my chauffeur...erm...husband to stop the Harley at flea markets!! ;)
  30. Do you have or remember some lollypops from way back when, that had the stick looped into the candy on both ends? Those were soooo good!! I love the wax bottles...oh the memories!!!
  31. Beautiful, just beautiful!! And you have the cover too!!! Thanks for sharing, youngblood!!
  32. This is why I've stopped buying from ebay. For one, they don't back the buyers anymore...they back their sellers, who are the ones that pay their fees anyways, I guess... Second reason is that as a v...
  33. I hope MIL doesn't read this...or you will be in a deep pile She is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!!
  34. lol! How about posting that bean pot??
  35. Great little bottle!
  36. Julie, I asked an indian friend of mine about your piece. This is a copypaste of her answer: ++"Its def not Japanese but not sure if its Indian too looks like tribals from Bali or Indonesia or some s...
  37. Isn't this site great, Youngblood? I learn something new every day!! Hope to see your bean pot soon!! Thanks for the love!!!!
  38. Thanks for the kind words, blevinstreasures!!! Look forward to seeing yours!
  39. I am quoting chrislamberthjr "But on the up side, since he authenticated it, that means, you could call the foundation or estate, tell them you were interested in auctioning the piece and needed inf...
  40. Thanks Manikin!
  41. Looks like it's from India to me. hmmm I just love it Julie!! Great find!!
  42. Thanks Gypsy!
  43. Thanks for the love Vanskyock!!
  44. Looks like it was "perpetual" from 1955 to 1993
  45. You seem to be missing the casing and a wheel with the days of the month. The wheel would have been the diameter of the plain band between the weekdays and years, covering them, and leaving only one...
  46. Don Quijote sends his warmest regards. Wishes he could be here. Off slaying giants. Thanks Official!!
  47. Thanks Kerry!!
  48. Pierina says thank you, Kerry!!
  49. Thanks Kerry!!
  50. Thanks Marilyn, Kerry and Hedgewalker!!
  51. See more


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