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    Posted 13 years ago

    (291 items)

    can anybody read Japanese? I have no idea what it says or means, I think it tells a story, all hand drawn, it has over 50 pages, 94 pictures, all have writing on every page, what time period was this book made? Japanese warriors ? what is it worth?

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    1. Mcgarrett50 Mcgarrett50, 13 years ago
      This is beautiful ! You could contact a college or university there might be someone there that could give some info or advice . I am no expert at all but it is definately Japanese , the first man in blue is in some type of official robes , and the rest are Samurai ,different ranks and could even be Daimyo. The text could even give individual names if it is of a historical nature. Good luck Id love to know what you find out .
    2. Deanteaks Deanteaks, 13 years ago
      Thank you :) I will post as soon as I find out, the pictures are amazing, wish I could post all of them :)
    3. Esther110 Esther110, 13 years ago
      Look up the japanese embassy or consulate near you. Call them, tell them about your book. They will probably either make an appointment for you to visit them or send someone out.
    4. toolate2 toolate2, 13 years ago
      Take it to a sushi restaurant. You'll more than likely find someone who knows Japanese...
    5. toolate2 toolate2, 13 years ago
    6. Esther110 Esther110, 13 years ago
      Hey toolate!! if you take it to a sushi restaurant here you won't get much...most of them are run by lol
    7. ThriftStoreAddict ThriftStoreAddict, 13 years ago
      How did you find out? Congratulations.
    8. Deanteaks Deanteaks, 13 years ago see Utagawa Kuniyoshi and compare mine to his :)
    9. Mcgarrett50 Mcgarrett50, 13 years ago
      Wow an incredible find . Its so beautiful your very lucky to have it . Do you know if its telling a story or an event ??
    10. ThriftStoreAddict ThriftStoreAddict, 13 years ago
      Isn't this site neat that you can get that kind of help?
    11. Deanteaks Deanteaks, 13 years ago
      yes it is :)
    12. Deanteaks Deanteaks, 13 years ago
    13. lundy lundy, 13 years ago
      thats nice wish i could help
    14. geo26e geo26e, 13 years ago
      Dean, came across this while admiring your older posts. Firstly, this is Chinese, not Japanese. The Title is Peace Story of Hero Tales. Written in old style traditional Chinese like Shakespear's English. I am no expert in oriental art or literature so cannot comment much more. Ifyou need more translations, let me know. George
    15. geo26e geo26e, 13 years ago
      Dean, the first 2 charactor of the title translate Tai Ping = Peace. The story relates to taiping rebellion era which was a civil war in southern China in 1850 to 1871. You can google the full historical background.
    16. geo26e geo26e, 13 years ago
      I wasn't aware that you have post 2,3,&4. Having now read others experts' comments, I am probably wrong. The old style Japanese writing was in fact very similar to Chinese!!!
    17. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 11 years ago
      If you find anyone who knows Japanese can you point them my way, lol.
      Great links btw.
    18. TallCakes TallCakes, 11 years ago
      Tried a translation app on my smart phone and can't get anything consistent with either Japanese or Chinese

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