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Tuscarura Indian artifacts of North Carolina

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (9 items)

    My family owns land in North Carolina. After every farming season we used to go and hunt for Indian atifacts. These are just a few of many I have. The first pic is of stone arrowheads and one made out of a material I do not know. It is green, but that is all I can say. The other is some sort of stone pottery or stone carving with the image of the sun. I just found out that these items are from the Tuscarura Tribe not the Cherokee. They were the Native Americans on the land of my family.

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    1. lawat56 lawat56, 14 years ago
      i visted your part of the woods about a year ago went to the smokey's mountains and come on over the top and went to cherokee and it was a very nice place and i have a little cherokee in me as well and i have been hunting arrowheads for most of my days because it is part of my past and love the history of the how and why of what happen to the indians long ago i have seen arrowheads that are worth many thousands of dollars some of them that come from right here where i live in middle tn , the clumberland fluted one is one of those thare are worth up to 50-80k if they are 6 to 8 inches long and not broken,they go back about 20k years old,very nice and thanks for showing yours
    2. lawat56 lawat56, 14 years ago
      oh i forgot look at the one by my name lkawat56 that is a cumberland about 3 ins
      the kind i was talking about. if you click on it ,it will enlarge to see it better
    3. jcollier83, 14 years ago
      Ya, NC is such an awsome state. I have never had them looked at before. As a matter of fact I have never even looked at the value of arrowheads. Just to think some go for that high is wild. I have always wondered how old these actually were. Thanks for looking.
    4. geekasaurus geekasaurus, 14 years ago
      how big is that flat piece, the non arrowhead
    5. jcollier83, 14 years ago
      It is the size of a grown persons hand without fingers. Like the palm of your hand.
    6. geekasaurus geekasaurus, 14 years ago
      those grooves kinda look like they were carved from repetitive maybe it was part of a cutting board or something. i dunno, just a guess
    7. triddle21, 14 years ago
      I've found something very similar in along a river bank in Greenville, SC. Agree with geekasaurus about the repetitive use. Appears to be an abrading stone (sharpener) which were highly prized. Mine is almost worn in two.
    8. lulabell79 lulabell79, 7 years ago
      I believe the 2nd image is a chunk of natural rock hit by farm equipment, most likely a plow. I'm almost positive that's what you have, because I've found more than a few and most notably, my first similar find appeared to me to be a sun with etched rays comng from it, but upon further ispection it was confirmed as a rock hit by a plow.
    9. flashlarue flashlarue, 7 years ago
      The flat stone with the grooves was used in making arrowheads. The edges of flint had to be dulled while flaking to make the flakes longer until the final flaking pass. Go to YouTube and watch a knapping video and you will see what I mean.
    10. Dannytwofeathers Dannytwofeathers, 7 years ago
      There,is a difference between plow and hand tooled Abraiding stones I live in a area,were the creeks tie together and all the hills and trees are all to close in and there is no fields that been plowed and every thing I found were dug out of a creek bed and many tools been found hammer,stones scrapers and spear points they do look like plow if there were tooling they would be tightly together if you seen my Abraiding stones they are all done by tooling you have a nice collection going on
    11. Dannytwofeathers Dannytwofeathers, 7 years ago
      I like to see the other side for more braiding they tooled all over them from side to side front and back top and bottom the nicest ones I found I posted I am doing a,live stream on these stones there are,more there
    12. Dannytwofeathers Dannytwofeathers, 5 years ago
      It is definately abraded works from stone or bone tooling i have many in my collection all found here in bethania nc i think there is a connection from your area to here in my area in bethania nc there marks are the same i have recovered here there is no way there done by machine there marked on back front and sides as top and bottom there is divided lines which tells me the were sharpening the edges on both sides of there points and if the marks were wide they were tooling there axes or other weapons look at what i have found i feel there may be a tie in to the community of these people during the mississippian era

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