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Yuma, AZ My decoupaging obsession:


  1. it says this note is legal tender. i cant find "not legal tender" on it...
  2. this is awesome!
  3. pew pew pew!
  4. i LOOVE old magazines! i have probably 100 old Life magazines from the 50's and 60's. many were in poor shape and have been harvested for their popular ads and ephemera (for my decoupaging) this is a...
  5. is this from a magazine you think?
  6. i'd love to take a dip in the dumpsters with you! great stuff!
  7. i never noticed it until just now but they look a lot alike dont they LOLOL a-cha-mownay eee eee
  8. that clown wants to suck out my soul. i just know it.
  9. that is such a cool story! i got goosebumps!
  10. i'm a loner dottie...a rebel
  11. i'd love to put that over my bed! thats soo cool!
  12. the faces creep me out! they sort of resemble my son lol
  13. or a heavy metal-esque ring from the 1980's?
  14. ahh that face!
  15. lawn jockey!
  16. i remember when i got my first nintendo (Nes) i got it for christmas when they first came out. my friends and i played it until we had blisters on our thumbs...then we played it some more lol good tim...
  17. is he also holding a jug of something? LOL guns-n-alcohol! fortifying fighting men for over 150 yarrs!
  18. this is creepy-cool! right up my alley
  19. the fonts make me feel like this is some sort of reproduction or gaff...
  20. i would proudly hang that on my wall!
  21. hahah oleo!
  22. thats really cool!
  23. those are fabulous!!
  24. these are made for talking on the phone. phones weighed 5+ lbs
  25. thats antique to me!
  26. these aren't the typical mammy and chef shakers. i have never seen these kind before...i'd suggest googling black americana salt pepper shakers and devoting some time to sifting through the results.
  28. is that blue one like a gnome? thats cool and creepy lol
  29. i don't know anything about pocket watches but i had to say that i thought this was a very beautiful watch.
  30. im pretty sure it was painted at home by someone because the words/numbers are hand painted in very rough style. i'm also pretty sure its not meant to be richie rich, but that it just happens to look ...
  31. i thought it looked like richie rich...says it was made in 1995
  32. i keep all my medicine in it, which is nice since it locks
  33. items like this are also referred to as black americana. if you google 'black americana thermometer' you will find more information on this piece.
  34. the inside is in perfect condition and it has the original tray. when i opened it for the first time it smelled like new plastic
  35. "1949 Multi Prod. Inc. Made in USA. Used for promotional advertisement. The underpants on the little boy was coated and used as a barometer. Turning blue f...
  36. you keep deleting peoples' comments and pretty soon no one wants to help or comment anymore :( sorry.
  37. WOW i want this!
  38. i have this monkey tattooed on the inside of my left forearm (the one vestaswind has) creepy cymbal monkey!!!
  39. oh man i love this!
  40. those grooves kinda look like they were carved from repetitive maybe it was part of a cutting board or something. i dunno, just a guess
  41. is it some sort of quack medical shocking device?
  42. very impressive! my son is 9 and he's just starting to become interested in collecting. i hope he is as into it as you are, when he is 13!
  43. how big is that flat piece, the non arrowhead
  44. yes its leather...and though it is dry around the outside edge it is completely intact.
  45. Get a room you two! LOL
  46. k. on my way!
  47. that small bottle may be an opium bottle...they're generally relatively tiny
  48. wow that is huge!
  49. i could really fill the shelves of this piece! so cool!
  50. i wish there were places here to take my son picking!
  51. See more


posted 3 months ago
posted 8 years ago
posted 12 years ago
posted 13 years ago
posted 14 years ago