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Black Boy, Hands on Knee Andirons

In Tools and Hardware > Andirons > Show & Tell.
Andirons12 of 13Fireplace brass andironsCast Iron Horse Head / Hoof Andirons
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    I got these from my father years ago. I know they are from the late 1800's to early 1900's. Other than that I don't know much about these. Could anyone give me information on these. Any idea of value?

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    1. tikiray tikiray, 14 years ago
    2. tikiray tikiray, 14 years ago
      Here is another link.

      If they are in fact from the 1800's, and not reproductions, you have a nice pair of andirons!
    3. mr.clean3, 14 years ago
      How do you tell if they are reproductions?
    4. tikiray tikiray, 14 years ago
      Maybe find some books on andirons and read up on them.
    5. rsully, 14 years ago
      They are called black seamen from about 1870
    6. scottvez scottvez, 14 years ago
      Post some additional close up photos of the front to see the details of the items along with some of the back to include the attachment to the arms and someone will be able to ID the age and determine if they are new.

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