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Winchester Repeating Arms Salesman Sample

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Salesmans Samples221 of 233Copper Date Nail used as a Factory Sample for traveling Saleman1 1/2 inch jug, salesmen sample?
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (37 items)

    Winchester Western Super-X and X-pert shotshells and cartridges salemans sample from the 50's. This is a neat sample because it has cutaways so you could see how shell was made and how it works. This set also has a fired and recovered 30-06 and 30-30 silvertip bullets. These sets are hard to find complete and in nice condition. I was very fortunate to come across this complete set in very nice condition several years ago. I am partial to Remington Arms but could not let this slide by me.

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    1. Trenchartman Trenchartman, 14 years ago
      That is very cool and to be complete is amazing.
    2. StihlCollector StihlCollector, 14 years ago
      Trenchartman, Thanks for your comments. Yes, they are very difficult to find complete. Most of the time the fired and recovered bullets are missing.
    3. Sodapopkid2ooo Sodapopkid2ooo, 14 years ago
      Love too have it!
    4. StihlCollector StihlCollector, 14 years ago
      Thanks Everyone!
    5. StihlCollector StihlCollector, 14 years ago
      Thanks ttomtucker
    6. StihlCollector StihlCollector, 14 years ago
      Thanks for your comment AR8Jason
    7. StihlCollector StihlCollector, 14 years ago
      Thanks oilman514
    8. StihlCollector StihlCollector, 14 years ago
      Thanks knivesnsuch
    9. presley72, 14 years ago
      This a great find, very hard to find in this condition.
    10. StihlCollector StihlCollector, 14 years ago
      Thanks Presley72
    11. James James, 14 years ago
      A friend of mine has one of these he and I are hunter safety course instructors. He said he bought it years ago from Winchester to use as a teaching aid. This is the only other one of these I've in this good a shape. They sold these like they would hats, lighters, pens, boxes, signs and other promotional's. These weren't cheap I tried to buy some of these 5 or 6 years before Winchester sold out to Belgian Herstal Group. Of course they were in the newer silver colored box then. Great piece!
    12. StihlCollector StihlCollector, 14 years ago
      James, Thanks for your comments, I always appreciate your insight. How can I contact you?
    13. StihlCollector StihlCollector, 14 years ago
      Thanks sodapopkid2000
    14. advertisingfan, 14 years ago
      Great Find! Also great it is complete, I can understand how easy it would be for small items to get lost over the years.
    15. StihlCollector StihlCollector, 14 years ago
      Thanks DMK678
    16. advertisingfan, 14 years ago
      I am very interested in this item if you ever decide to part with. I have been looking for this set many years and this one is the only one I have seen in about 20 years.
    17. win70model, 10 years ago
      I purchased one of these yesterday in an antique mall in north Texas . It is complete and in very good to excellent condition . Thanks for showing the great picture and age on this item .

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