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Victorian Fainting Couch

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (26 items)

    This is an original horse hair and leather couch. I would like to preserve it but also make it useable. The offside has a seam that came apart. I don't know if it can be patched; the leather is pretty brittle. When I moved it to storage, I wrapped it in plastic to keep from losing more horse hair. This might not be good for the leather. Any suggestions?

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    1. Tamia Tamia, 14 years ago
      Hi, the plastic will attract moisture and "sweat" and may ruin your beautiful couch. An old quilt or sheet would probably be better, they won't sweat and will still protect it. Some good saddle soap may help restore the moisture to the leather, but I'd ask an expert first.
    2. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      There are kits that you can get for vinal and leather look at auto store.You have to match it up first.Or a auto upolstry shop? They can do this for you.I have some furniture with horse hair my wolf dogs got a hold of. They could smell the hair and chewed throughthe fabric.
    3. geekasaurus geekasaurus, 14 years ago
      this couch was for when the ladies got the vay'puhs
    4. Jackie Jackie, 14 years ago
      Tamia, thank you for your advice. I was afraid plastic wouldn't be good. I'll do something for it this weekend.
    5. Jackie Jackie, 14 years ago
      Thank you, Toyman. I never thought of an auto body place for help. I'll check it out. Are your dogs really part wolf? They must be huge.
    6. Jackie Jackie, 14 years ago
      Thanks for your interest, geekasaurus. Great name.
    7. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      Yes I have done body work and worked in a body shop.And all of the shops have someone that does there interiors So just get ther no# and maybe you can get them to come over and do the repair.Then you dont have to worry about messing it up more moving it.I hope this helps you.If you were local I would look at it for you? Have a good weekend john
    8. Naomi, 14 years ago
      I have a couch that was exactly like this one when I purchased it about 25 years ago. The leather, however, was totally falling apart and I had it upholstered in a chintz. I had the upholsterer keep the springs and horse hair stuffing. It was a poor upholstery job and since I didn't replace the springs it is a little squeeky. It has only been used for decorative purposes since then. It has the original casters, as well. Cleaning out the old. Could anyone tell me what it is worth?

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