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Small Bowl, Michael Andersen (Denmark), 1900-1914

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Scandinavian Pottery172 of 236PUNGO - STIG LINDBERG for GUSTAVSBERG 1953Michael Andersen Bornholm
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (100 items)

    Amusing little bowl decorated with mice. In the period from ca. 1900 to the start of WWI the Michael Andersen pottery collaborated with a Copenhagen merchant, C.V. Kjaer (1857-1938), for whom the pottery (specifically Jens Michael Andersen (1859-1931)) produced a series of characteristic items, all in two types of clay (a continuation of traditional Bornholm pottery where lighter clay was applied to the vases and bowls to create patterns). C.V. Kjaer himself created the designs, often visiting the factory with drawings and ideas. The pottery is always adorned with C.V. Kjaer's seal-like stamp. The pottery was made in various colours such as olive-green, brown or red with fanciful decorations in a lighter type of clay - either a decorative pattern ('clay intarsia') or elephants' heads, panthers, owls, etc. I received this as a gift, and although this type of pottery is not extremely rare, it is often quite pricey...

    Dimensions: diameter 10 cm / 4 in; height 5.5 cm / 2.2 in. The stamp contains the initials 'CVK', along with 'Kjoebenhavn' (old spelling with the 'j') and the Copenhagen coat of arms. Moreover, there is an almost illegible number, perhaps 2095.

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    1. Aimathena Aimathena, 11 years ago
      Soooo stinkin' cute!!! Love it.
    2. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 11 years ago
      Love love love it & thats without reading a thing yet!
    3. bentonhavin, 11 years ago
      a fantastic piece, reminds me of hand built furniture from 18oo's that had a mouse or other small rodent carved in a inconspicuous place as a "signature" so one would know who the builder was..( Robert Thompson)
    4. jensen jensen, 11 years ago
      Thanks for your comments - yes, it really is quite whimsical!
    5. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      Very original, really good!

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