Posted 11 years ago
(301 items)
The Milwaukee Police Dept. Band claims to be the oldest police department band in the U.S. tracing it’s establishment back to 1897. After the conclusion of the First World War a flood of medals was created for the returning soldiers. The Milwaukee P.D. was also medal minded when they issued this medal for their band’s service at the “Officers Ball” in 1919. The back of the encased center disc is blank and does not feature the Lord's Prayer as do most medals of this type in that era. The medal is rare and most long time collectors can not remember seeing one of these at all let alone in complete form with ribbon and brooch.
Very nice !!! My town ,these guys shoud get medals every day ! Love it
Thanks Mani, the band is made up of volunteers. There are some good MPD historical sites on the net and are easy to find via Google. Was in Milw. Thursday and saw that a lot of old builds, like the old Red Carpet Inn, have been torn down. The future new construction should be interesting. Thanks to all who loved this.