Posted 11 years ago
(436 items)
As visiting Jewels1900 and BelleEpoque, I heard about Rhonda Wager. Knowing nearly nothing about Arts and Crafts, Googled for her, and decided to ask you about my little ring!
The jadeite is original to the ring (very worn, wet it for the pic) and was the cause of buying it. Two leaves lacking, one in front & one side.
It is very petite, just for my pinky, was long time cherished to be so worn, and still is beloved!
Can anybody help for identification of the maker?
Hi kyratango. Wager was a prolific jewellery and she & her niece (Dorothy) made jewellery for decades (Dorothy made up until 1984). Both Rhoda's & Dorothy's design books are in the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney & you can book a time to view them. Rhoda also had many apprentices and sometimes it can be hard to differentiate sometimes.
About your ring, it's American. That leaf work is quite distinctive. Due to the number of designs I've seen and the variation in quality I suspect jewellers could buy these leaves commercially and then made up their own pieces. I've seen these leaves in silver & gold & there's also a tulip like flower that you see every so often.
I've got a few, I'll see if I can dig them out for you. They make lovely wearing. You'll find an outstanding example on the Tadema website at the moment.
Thank you for information Jewels, I'm at the moment on Internet to see all about Wager...
Forming myself to this jewelry style I don't know much about, Haha, be aware I won't try to compete with your collection! ;-)
It is a lovely ring, the silver-gold combination is beautiful! and the work is high quality. It is surely from around 1900, due to the split ring, typical of A&C which wanted to make it evident that the ring was handmade and not a cast. I envy it :)
Thanks BelleEpoque for your love, very interesting comment, and... envy! :-)
wow , beautiful collection !!!!
Again! Beautiful!!
Hi kyratango I've just posted a number of rings similar to yours. Interestingly a number have similar wire curls with 'blobs' like yours. The onyx one is the only one with gold & silver leaves. I've also posted a Wager ring.
PS, please feel free to compete with my collection. The more the merrier I say!
Superb ring collection Jewels! Can't compete for the moment, lol!
Thanks kyrantango.
had a invaluable lesson from Jewels1900 about American rings. Wondering if the stone on the ring was sourced in America as well?
You're right shrine! For the stone, who knows... As far I found on California jadeite, none of this color!
Just found this one, very similar, but all gold, and jadeite is more beautiful:
See new post about a carnelian ring!
Thanks Ilikeart for the like :-)
Love it!!!
Love it!!
Many thanks CindB, freiheit, Jewels, Virginia.Vintage, Agram and Elizabethan for loves and kind comments :-))
Thanks Izenglish!
Kind of same!