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Antique Chinese Pierced Porcelain Table Lamp with Silk Shade

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Table Lamps1605 of 1663First estate sale of the year.drift wood
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (171 items)

    I am not able to find any markings on the item. The top and bottom light up. The bottom lights up like a night light. The plug says Leviton Pat Pending and is a non-polarized plug. It seems to be a Chinese Pierced Porcelain Lamp from sometime between 1900-1940 with a silk shade.

    I would be very grateful to anyone that can possibly tell me the history on this. The specific year it may be from. Thank you so much for your assistance in advance my friends if not no big deal. Peace.... : )

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    1. electobacco electobacco, 14 years ago
      Thank you Woman34! Would you happen to know anything about this? If not no big deal. Have an awesome day regardless! : )
    2. Mekei Mekei, 14 years ago
      Is your asian lamp on Ebay right now? If not, there's one identical w/o the shade and fittings going for $300+ right now (4-7-11).
    3. Mekei Mekei, 14 years ago
      "This auction is for a good quality of Chinese pieced porcelain lamp, the porcelain lamp is with finely pierced open work and designed six panels with hand painted flower patterns throughout, Age: early 20th century. Size:
      12 1/4 inches ( 31 cm ) high, 5 1/4 inches (13.5 cm) wide at widest point. "
    4. electobacco electobacco, 14 years ago
      Thanks for the post Mekei. It is very much appreciated. No I do not have this lamp for sale and it is not on Ebay. It is good to finally find out something about this. I am so grateful to you for this information. Just to make sure. The link to the Ebay auction below is the one you are speaking of right??
    5. electobacco electobacco, 14 years ago
      It also looks like the one for auction is a little bit of a different variation/design then mine.
    6. Mekei Mekei, 14 years ago
      That's the one! Yours looks in better shape (IMHO) but I'm no expert. At least it gives you some potential info on what you possess. I think your lamp is delightful and hope you keep searching for more clues.
    7. electobacco electobacco, 14 years ago
      Thanks Pop...have a great day.....
    8. electobacco electobacco, 14 years ago
      Cocacolakid97 I appreciate you stopping by again....
    9. electobacco electobacco, 13 years ago
      Thank you for the love LaurieVeneziano! I appreciate you stopping by. Man you have some awesome guitars! Thank you for sharing them with all of us. Take care my friend.... : )

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