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Anyone know who painted this amazing Art Nouveau or Art Deco watercolor...??

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Art Nouveau Graphics30 of 69Alphonse Mucha  " The Times of The Day" Prints /"The Guild" Lithograph Reproductions / Circa 1960's-70's1904 Léo-Paul-Samuel Robert Symbolist Painting - Woman w/ Long-necked Lute
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (40 items)

    I just bought this (to me, gorgeous!) Art Nouveau watercolor yesterday and would really love to know the name of the talented artist (or illustrator). As you can see by the scans it's clearly signed "F.A.B." and dated 1925 (so it could also be classified as being from the "Art Deco" era), but that's all I know. This original watercolor measures 9 x 7 inches, and is way more beautiful in person than appears on the scans (which unfortunately aren't quite sharp enough to provide fine detail). I get the impression that it could perhaps be the original watercolor that appeared as a print in a children's book (fairy tale?) because the lady's hair very strategically covers her breasts and nether region.
    Be that as it may, I would really appreciate hearing your thoughts on who might have painted it.
    Thanks in advance!

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 11 years ago
      It is lovely!
      Could it be EAB?
    2. Hyp-storian, 11 years ago
      The seller actually said that it was "EAB", but my wife and I both think it looks more like an "F" (especially under a magnifying glass). That being said, I tried searching for artists using both "F.A.B." and "E.A.B." but came up blank so far.
      Needless to say, it's driving me nuts, because the guy (or woman?) is way too good to be unknown and I've just GOT to discover their name.....

    3. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      Oh ho2, I can't believe I missed this!!! I'm so glad it came back around! Love, love it!

      There are ways to tell if it's original, especially from back then. Have you found the artist yet?
    4. Hyp-storian, 10 years ago
      There's no doubt that it IS an absolutely 100% original 1925 watercolor, but I haven't (yet) been able to find out who the artist/illustrator "F.A.B." or "E.A.B." is.
      Hopefully maybe one day.....?

    5. ozmarty ozmarty, 10 years ago
      very Aubrey Beardsley ish...
    6. Hyp-storian, 10 years ago
      Yes, indeed it is, ozmarty! I'm surprised that nobody (so far) recognizes the signature- the artist is truly extremely talented...

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