Posted 11 years ago
(471 items)
This chinese bowl was picked up tday at a cbs , I see a lot of these around but never bother with them but this ones slightly different !!
It is a lot heavier than ones ive normally seen and the decoration goes right to the base instead of stopping short like the others, also the marks slightly different these saying aparently made for a royal ?? This I saw on a website !! Its roughly 3" high 4" across with a gold rim & LOTS OF FLOWERS INSIDE & OUT very colourful in A1 condition ,
I dont think its original but I also dont think its late 20th c like others but stood to be corrected,
if anyone can tell me more I would be very greatful as this oriental stuff can be a real nightmare..!
Hi, the bowl bottom says ' made in the Qianlong period/year'
Hope this helps. George
Thanx for that george, very helpful, the marks match but I just dont think its as old as that!!
Thanks simon
Just wanted to put this out there......and to note Chinese items can be very hard to figure out (at least for me......LOL). Your item looks really good, but wonder IF marks for age were added later???? I am not sure it is that old either.
Just have to error on the side of caution with Chinese marks sometimes due to the following link.
Just wanted to put out that several *other companies* used so called Chinese LOOKING marks too, see below article:
Also see this:
Hi antiquerose, many thanx for the info and the links, im pretty sure its not an old pot , but the mark I think was put on at manufacture, whenever that was ..
like I stated on my write up - ive seen loads of these pots all over the place but none this heavy with the deco inside & out & going around the base as they normally finish short?? ?. I dont know too much about chinese pottery except I love it & have a few pieces , one listed earlier with a six figure mark which no one seems to know about , I think thats poss turn of 1900s .
For all I know they could be made in the last 25 years!!
have you seen my iranian vases Listed ?? Theyre very hard to find anything on the net about ..
many thanx again for your help, simon
this is a very late run out
thanks apostata I agree..