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Bohemian Art Glass4904 of 6681Bohemian Iridescent Enameled Ruby Red VaseKralik pair of  "turtle shell"?? Iridescent ball/tear drop vases
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (41 items)

    A Czech vase, a Czech three footed bowl, and a Czech covered dish in a brownish spatter that is translucent glass. I go nuts for this type of glass, although I know very little about it.

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    1. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      Gorgeous!!! Welcome to CW!!
    2. sklo42 sklo42, 11 years ago
      Lovely spatter, and all of them lovely shapes too.
    3. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 11 years ago
      I always love matte/satin finished spatter glass - very nice!
    4. EZa EZa, 11 years ago
      Thank you, everyone- I Love to see all the treasures here at CW.
    5. inky inky, 11 years ago
      Great the colours and the satin finish...and welcome...:-)
    6. jagsrock95 jagsrock95, 11 years ago
      Nice group...I also love the satin finish.
    7. welzebub welzebub, 10 years ago
      Interestingly, if one looks at the first Butler ad group in this post, the lower right shape shown there is the same as the footed bowl here..... including the scroll feet. It would also be worth mentioning that the image shown there is actually a piece of factory production literature from Franz Welz Klostergrab, and dated 1928....... The shape number is identified as 8585. Not a super common shape with those feet and bowl shape...... I just thought it was interesting enough to point out.
    8. welzebub welzebub, 10 years ago
      This bowl is a little shorter and wider in overall relative dimensions.... still an interesting comparison......
    9. EZa EZa, 10 years ago
      Hi Welzebub! Yes, the bowl looks very similar to the one in the ad. These pieces are a great mystery to me, and they are my favorite "spatter" or "end-of-day" glass with the satin finish and overall tan? color. So I do greatly appreciate any kind of possible information that will tell me the age and the source of these pieces. I have acquired several more of this particular color since this photo. I'll have to post some new photos. A twin pair of urns were missing lids. My sister works for a high end jewelry designer, and she made some metal lids with carnelian pulls. I'll make sure I post those, too. And if anyone has some of those glass urns that originally had lids, my sister is a good one to go to for some nice Deco style metal lids as a replacement. I'll post her link also. Have a Wonderful Day! and Thank You~
    10. welzebub welzebub, 10 years ago
      Hi EZa. You are welcome... my pleasure. Would it be possible for you to post an image of the bowl directly from the side. I am interested in seeing the profile. I am also interested in the dimensions of the bowl. It may actually be closer in shape than I first thought glancing at it. Would love if you could add that photo here.
    11. EZa EZa, 10 years ago
      OK Welzebub, photos posted~
    12. welzebub welzebub, 10 years ago
    13. EZa EZa, 10 years ago
      Hi oldandsilly! I did see an image of a tan spatter urn with the lid intact; after I added two exact replicas without lids. Needless to say I was disappointed on the lack of lids. I guess this is a very common problem. Since then, I've acquired two more twin urns without lids. My sister happens to work at an upscale jeweler, so I commissioned her in making two lids. Well, they turned out GREAT, even though they are done in metal with carnelian pulls. I'll have to take some more photos and give her etsy shop as a reference if I ever get a sunny day... Anyway, Looong story longer, I would LOVE to see any corresponding image you may have. And Thank you for your interest~ I just love this color and texture:) of Czech glass.
    14. EZa EZa, 10 years ago
      Ok Hello oldandsilly, No, I haven't seen that image before. What a beautifully shaped urn and beautifully shaped lid! Wonderful! I'm not sure if I have anything that great, but I will eventually post pictures of mine.....definitely! Thank you!
    15. EZa EZa, 10 years ago
      Hi oldandsilly, Have posted what I have, and it's all over the place in age, style, color, and technique, even within that one tan color and satin finish.
    16. EZa EZa, 9 years ago
      OOooh, which piece? The urn pair with the funny lids? Or the tiger striped Deco piece? Both way overpriced- so good luck. I just don't need copies but still tempting,,,,:)
    17. EZa EZa, 9 years ago
      Oh that's great Rucklglass! I'm happy for you! Really gorgeous piece!!!! One of these days you should show off your tan satin spatter collection, or any satin spatters and I'll show off my newer conquests. Super busy these days, though. But - one of these days maybe....
    18. Trey Trey, 5 years ago
      Beautiful Colors :)
    19. EZa EZa, 5 years ago
      Thanks Trey, you should see them with back lighting. Amazing! I have a ton of this stuff...……..

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