LuluX » collections



Melbourne Australia

Mature in age, young in spirit, the bush and land are an important spiritually essence to me and being a Capricorn is probably why I'm drawn to earthy pieces of beauMature in age, young in spirit, the bush and land are an important spiritually essence to me and being a Capricorn is probably why I'm drawn to earthy pieces of beauty. My finds are usually about the saving, and enjoying their lost beauty. I do not have expertise in the items but it's about the research and the story behind them. The Forum and Forum members have enabled me to share my little items and opened up a new appreciation of Collectors and their collections. X (Read more)


  1. Scott you are always so complimentary (and enthusiastic too) thank you!
  2. Thank you Scott for appreciation and luv. :) SEAN68, ho2cultcha, mikelv85 and aura, thank you for the luvs. :)
  3. Thanks for the luvs SEAN68, Nicefice, ho2cultcha, mikelv85 and aura. Much appreciated. X
  4. Rucklczglass thank you once again sharing your knowledge with me and luv, I would never had thought ashtrays! The set must have been lovely altogether. :) I'll have to keep my eyes open for the rest n...
  5. Scott thank you for your kind comments and luv. :)
  6. I love the merging of the blues!
  7. Beautiful, and love the shape and feet!
  8. SEAN68, Nicefice, ho2cultcha, mike85, aura, LovelyPat, melaniej, kyratango and Celiene thank you for the luvs X
  9. rucklczglass sharing your knowledge and kind comments is very much appreciated. I have learned something today. Thank you also for the luv :)
  10. Scott again, thank you for your kind comments and luv. :)
  11. Brunswick, OneGoodFind, racer4four and SEAN68 thanks for the luvs. X
  12. Thanks racer :)
  13. Katherinescollection you are right, very similar, thanks for the links, appreciation and luv. :)
  14. It's a beauty!
  15. Thank you vetraio50 and racer4four for the luvs. X
  16. Moonstonelover21 and vetraio50 thank you both for the luv :)
  17. Thanks racer for kind comments and luv :)
  18. katherinescollections thank you for kind comment and luv:) but naahhh ... not same LOL X
  19. Katherinescollections and vetraio50 thank you both for the luvs. X
  20. Thanks racer for your kind comment and luv:)
  21. They say "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", love it and enjoy :) I love it too!
  22. valentino97 I had no idea about nickel and its effects of allergic reactions, so just did some reading on it. Apparently nickel has a "yellow tinge" which this hasn't, it is very cool hue with black a...
  23. valentino97 and Agram.m thank you for your luvs. X
  24. davekelejian thank you for your kind comment and welcome newbie!
  25. Valentino97, Djpeder, Agram.m and aura thank you for your luvs.X
  26. Good Spotting! It's very pretty Davekelejian :)
  27. valentino97 thank you for your appreciation and luv. I believe you may be right in the shaping of the bell, must have been very time consuming:) Is it brass or bronzy metal ... I'm not sure what it is...
  28. Thank you Nicefice for your appreciation and luv. :)
  29. It's a beautiful cup Katherine, have you thought maybe Chinese? The attached link is sorta, kinda like it. Anyway best of luck. :)
  30. Love your bugs!
  31. Kyratango, Katherinescollections, melaniej, inky, mikelv85 and ho2cultcha, thank you for the luvs. X
  32. Dragonflywhyspers, yes, Quan Yin. Thank you for your appreciation and kind comments.
  33. Agram.m, a very late reply to you but thank you for your lovely comment and luv. :)
  34. Thank you Gillian, Efesgirl, katherinescollections, mikelv85, Elizabethan, Nicefire, Moonstonelover2, Manikin, aura and melaniej for all your luvs. X
  35. Thank for the appreciation, luv ... and compliment too nutsa!
  36. Scott thank you for you kind comment and luv :)
  37. Kyratango thanks for your appreciation and luv. It is pretty ... goes well with my sun spots! LOL
  38. Caperkid, Manikin and racer4four, thank you for your luvs. X
  39. Thanks for you appreciation and luv Efesgirl, would love to see your collection. :)
  40. Nutsabotas6 I seem to be drawn to amber and citrine colours in stones too! Thanks for kind comment and luv. :)
  41. Mike thank you for your kind comment and luv, glad you like him. :)
  42. Scott thank you for kind comment and luv, yeah he's pretty groovy LOL.
  43. kyratango yes you saw a SPIDER .... he's pretty SCARY too! thanks for the funny comment and luv. :)
  44. Thanks a lot Nicefice for kind comment and luv. :)
  45. You are a very lucky lady :)
  46. Oooh thanks Katherine for kind comments and appreciation. X
  47. Moonstonelover21 thank you for the luv. :)
  48. Peasejean55, melaniej, Efesgirl. aura, Agram.m and SEAN68 thank you all for the luvs. X
  49. themuse, thank you for advice, I will post a photo of the clasp. :)
  50. Thank you Elizabethan for your kind comment and luv :)
  51. See more


Please help identify this chifferobe, armoire. Unknown Kewpie maker Vintage Kenneth Jay Lane Jeweled Double Tiger Cuff


posted 2 months ago
posted 2 months ago
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posted 9 years ago