Collectomaniac » collections



British Columbia

I collect Chinese and Japanese ceramics, pottery, art glass, vases, wine, and shooter glasses.


  1. It's recommended to wet the 2 pieces with water first when using crazy glue on ceramics. I personally like using clear 'marine' silicone. I found it worked great on a glass item i broke ( a fishes fin...
  2. Thanks coo-coo. I'm curios if your is uranium green so we can maybe place them pre war and even deco era.
  3. No info but the glaze shares a few characteristics of this one i have.
  4. To me it appears that the water has receded and he was found. I think the head is still buried in sediment.
  5. Or is being unburied.
  6. Kind of looks like the victim of a flash flood.
  7. Looks like a wedding vase. I think the character means "combined to form".
  8. Chinese characters most likely a poem.
  9. Shoe lace threading aid?
  10. It's nice. I can't read the stamp but you might find a tiny 'artist' character stamp mark under the lid that is easier to research. Also, remove the lid and observe that a straight edge (ruler) lays o...
  11. Nice color. They kinda look like console bowls.
  12. This is really cool. The signature suggests to me he was the type of person that didn't like to give up, and was in tune with picking up where he left off.
  13. Yours is the type of items i like to find. It's a real gem this little vase. This CHINA mark predates 1920-21 and is likely 1910-1920 era and gets us away from many of the more modern post war charact...
  14. I wonder if this is bird #44 from this vintage chart #173. At the bottom of the page is other numbered charts.
  15. Happy New Year antiquerose. I wish you and yours all the best in the new year coming too eh. And a very Happy New Year to you as well vetrio50. I'm very much looking forward to a 2018 full of sharing...
  16. Cool badge with the crossed night sticks. Nothing better says, we're gonna let ya have it if you mess around here.
  17. The flared base has not been an easy find for me (ever) but i keep searching. I pride my 'CHINA' collection. Got one or 2 with the backwards N as well.
  18. Nice collection, and i really like the tumblers and tea cups. The handles on the tea cups i think look the same as on my green Roulette cups. I'm trying to collect pink now. I have some nice Homespun ...
  19. Simply amazing artists. Both you and Andy.
  20. Hope you don't mind. Just let me know. I just did a quick like/love click to open up the share on FB link and put this on my wall. I put " Nice colorization of an old photo" for my friends to see.
  21. She is captivating.
  22. Thanks very much PhilDMorris. My trust is with you when it comes to shape and color. Your artistic work is truly amazing in my eyes. Thank you as well AnnaB for the love click and anyone else i missed...
  23. Canada is happy to have petty problems. We wouldn't want it any other way. Merry Christmas.
  24. Thanks Ben. Happy Holidays to you and your family. And to all my friends at Collectors Weekly, wishing you all a Merry Christmas and some very Happy Holidays.
  25. Quote form article; "Like Collectors Weekly, Barnebys attracts both seasoned auction-goers and new generations of buyers and sellers".
  26. CW I prided our CW family and our TOU for not discussing money. I hope that stays.
  27. The experts will need more pics than just the front i believe.
  28. Thank you AnnaB, fortapache, mikelv85, bottle-bud, Caperkid, and iggy for the kind loves.
  29. Is he hollow?
  30. Wow. Pic 4 really shows what's going on here. Very interesting.
  31. That's what i said to him. What difference does it make if one is drawn through and through with a straight edge or serrated. The technique used with strait edge penetration is sufficient enough. An...
  32. My friend claims to have one with a serrated edge on it. Something about the Geneva convention adds into it's rarity he claims.
  33. Have a warm Remembrance Day weekend antiquerose.
  34. Thank you for your service. Mr. Bond remembered this remembrance day weekend.
  35. Loving your post this Remembrance day weekend.
  36. It looks well made and classy compared to the cracked plastic piece of cr@p siliconed to the roof of our local cabbies car. I miss back when.
  37. First one i have seen. I like this practical idea. I bet the rarer ones are the ones made for the lefties.
  38. Is he trying to make toilet time great again? Kinda weird, but ok.
  39. Usually for pulling wound steel cable taunt.
  40. Super nice art work. Very appealing color palette used.
  41. TOU says no appraisals.
  42. Looks amazing. When i pulled the winder up on my old pocket watch, it popped open.
  43. I had a Beatnik doll back in the mid 60's. I'll never forget those words he said when i pulled his string. In a cool mono tone he spoke "Scooba Dooba doo - don't bug me baby". He was one cool cat.
  44. The characters like on your bowl not only read Made in China, but also the province in which they where made. Additional characters normally boast how this province/factory is the best in China. Some ...
  45. Whenever we find one of these hammered out copper art pieces here in BC, the likely hood of it having been made in the BC penitentiary back in the 50's-60's is high. The last 4 that i have found have...
  46. It was worse than i though. You got hit hard :(
  47. Seems like yesterday, some guy was running over your bike with his car while you where out hunting for relics.
  48. Thanks for the Love hits AdeleC, Caperkid, nutsabotas6, vetraio50, aura and mikelv85. Cheers to you all.
  49. Could i have contained smoke fluid? It looks to hold just a few ounces.
  50. It's a great collectible given that it has a 4 character bottom stamp. It looks Chinese and could possible tell the province where it was made if researched. It's post 1930's seeing it has Phillips sc...
  51. See more


My mom's favorite pen


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