Posted 7 years ago
(5053 items)
from Casa Bonampak, San Francisco. Produced by Don Drumm, Akron, OH. a great utilitarian item! I'm sure that this will offend some, but please others. you can probably guess which group i belong with.
Is he trying to make toilet time great again? Kinda weird, but ok.
Haha Ho2, love it!
The ultimate cure for constipation.
You’re a brave man, mate !!!
Excellent post!! Two thumbs up!!
You have not opened it so I see you sense its cash or high value !
A closet capitalist maintaining integrity of the roll for future profit??? I have the other candidates roll, which I have used, however, found it totally defective, no supprise.
Can someone enlighten me as to WHAT the unsolved mystery is?
Just like Donald a very useful commodity
Concur-- believe it will remain unsolved BUT hopefully not repeated (2nd term)!
MacDaddy - good point! And they thought they could control HIM!?!?! BWA HA HA - not too smart, those puppeteers!
Scottvez - and hopefully we'll be seeing him & the rest of the dirty lot behind bars before Christmas.
what mystery Celiene? there's no mystery here. just a very corrupt administration.
Where can I order a case????
something stinks in here!!!LOL!!
Already have my Trump toilet paper. I haven't used it yet. Maybe when they are locked up finally.