Posted 10 years ago
(68 items)
This has the coolest looking ashtray I own. From what I gather it's style is called a fried egg. I was surprised to see number 17969 online. I think I paid $4.99 for this about 7-8 months ago at the goodwill. A little research on Per Lutkens other creations, and I'm lovin Lutken :)
-sorry for the poor pics showing lights, camera, fingerprints, etc.-
You're right - it's called sometimes reffered to as 'the fried egg'. It was designed in 1960 in three different sizes.
sorry - 'referred'!
3 sizes ?? :? Now you got me going.....on the hunt lol.
stunning !!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Sean. One of my favorites. If I had to run out the door with 5 items. This would be one of them.
Love it !! And the AWSOME colour ;-)
Thanks Nicefice :)
Fantastic Shape and Colour !~
Thanks very much PhilDMorris. My trust is with you when it comes to shape and color. Your artistic work is truly amazing in my eyes. Thank you as well AnnaB for the love click and anyone else i missed, thank you..