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Dad's pic.

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (68 items)

    Here's a picture of my Dad in 1962 pumping gas for Chevron. I've found and collected from other family members a few pictures of him and is all that remains in memory of him. The pump says 45 cents/gallon. The car i'm guessing might be a Signet. He looks a little messed up having just recovered from a bad motorcycle crash the year before having not seen a big old Chrysler stopped at the light (probably drunk) (family secrets ya know) he rear ended it with his Harley 45 and went through the back window and landed on the the front seat. Ampicillin saved his life, and possibly the 'Marlon Brando' studded leather outfit he was wearing had some beneficial effects. Very soon after this pic my older sister was born. Within a year he had started his 40 year career with the fire department.

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    1. lzenglish lzenglish, 7 years ago
      Very Nice Picture of Your Dad! Hard to imagine him living thru an accident like that, as not many Harley Riders wore helmets back then. He must have been one tough cookie! I also pumped gas as a kid of 15, and felt like a king in doing so. It sure beat picking tomatoes, washing dishes, and busing tables which i hated, but had no choice. The car looks like a 1960's Plymouth Valiant if I'm not Mistaken. I would make several copies of this photo to keep his memory alive.

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