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Vintage Popcorn Machine 'Pop corn Sez'

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (4 items)

    I recently came accross this cool pop corn machine. It says 'Pop corn sez' and it appears to be a ten cent machine. It should be restored to working condition, which i probably will do soon. But I can't find out much about this cool piece. Can Anyone tell me anything about this machine? Possibly its value in its current state? or Year they were made? Any info Appreciated!
    Thank you.

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    1. youngpicker96, 14 years ago
      Restored, the machines can be worth around $2000 and up. The globe that goes on top of the machine is really rare, because most of the time they are broken over the years. They were made around 1949.
    2. Justin Justin, 14 years ago
      Thank you for the response.
      I found the reproduction decals for this machine and i think i am going to clean it up and get it going.
    3. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 14 years ago
    4. JaredRolen JaredRolen, 9 years ago
      Globes are reproduced now and our sold by FunTronics!

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